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MED Bk.GGrace (Eg 2006) 28/8
Book of Ghostly Grace [Bk.GGrace] Bibliographical References: IPMEP 658; Manual 9.XXIII.65. Manuscript, print, and LALME references: London, British Library, Egerton 2006 (Pref.MS) LALME: vol. 1. 109. "MS in one hand ... Language of SW Lincs, mixed with a SE Leics component." Lincs. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodl. 220 Editions, facsimiles, and other sources cited: The Booke of Gostlye Grace of Mechtild of Hackeborn, ed. T. A. Halligan (1979). MED title stencils and sources: Eg 2006 c1450 Bk.GGrace (Eg 2006) :: The Booke of Gostlye Grace of Mechtild of Hackeborn, ed. T. A. Halligan (1979). 1-613. Variants taken from: The Booke of Gostlye Grace of Mechtild of Hackeborn, ed. T. A. Halligan (1979). fns. a1475 (Bod 220)