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MED Capgr.St.Gilb. (Add 36704) 85/22
John Capgrave, Life of Saint Gilbert of Sempringham [Capgr.St.Gilb.] Bibliographical References: IPMEP 771; Manual 2.V.120. Manuscript, print, and LALME references: London, British Library, Additional 36704 (Pref.MS) LALME: vol. 1. 102. "MS in one hand." LP 4057. Norfolk. Editions, facsimiles, and other sources cited: John Capgrave's Lives of St. Augustine and St. Gilbert of Sempringham ... , ed. J. J. Munro, EETS 140 (1910; reprint 1987). MED title stencils and sources: Add 36704 (1451) Capgr.St.Gilb. (Add 36704) :: John Capgrave's Lives of St. Augustine and St. Gilbert of Sempringham ... , ed. J. J. Munro, EETS 140 (1910; reprint 1987). 61-142.