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MED Degrev. (Thrn) 294
Sir Degrevant [Degrev.] Bibliographical References: IMEV 1953; Manual 1.I.97. Manuscript, print, and LALME references: Cambridge, University Library Ff.1.6 LALME: vol. 1. 67. "Hands A, B and C ... Language of these three hands seems to be basically of Derbys, but with varying degrees of mixture." Derbys. Lincoln, Cathedral Library 91 (Thornton) (Pref.MS) LALME: vol. 1. 98. "The hand of Robert Thornton." Editions, facsimiles, and other sources cited: * The Romance of Sir Degrevant, ed. L. F. Casson, EETS 221 (1949; reprint 1970). MED title stencils and sources: Thrn (Lincoln Cathedral 91) * c1440 Degrev. (Thrn) :: The Romance of Sir Degrevant, ed. L. F. Casson, EETS 221 (1949; reprint 1970). even pp. 2-114. Cmb Ff.1.6 * a1500 Degrev. (Cmb Ff.1.6) :: The Romance of Sir Degrevant, ed. L. F. Casson, EETS 221 (1949; reprint 1970). odd pp. 3-115.