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MED PPl.A(1) (Trin-C R.3.14) 7.254
William Langland, Piers Plowman, A Version (1) [PPl.A(1)] Bibliographical References: IMEV 1458, 1459; Manual 7.XVIII.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. Manuscript, print, and LALME references: Aberystwyth, National Library of Wales 733B Cambridge, Trinity College R.3.14 (594) (Pref.MS) Dublin, Trinity College 213 (D.4.12) Liverpool, University Library F.4.8 London, British Library, Harley 875 LALME: vol. 1. 110 (two entries, q.v.). "Hand A. ff. 1r-8v." LP 4680. Warwicks. "Hand B. ff. 9r-22v." LP 4679. Warwicks. London, British Library, Harley 3954 London, British Library, Harley 6041 London, Lincoln's Inn, Hale 150 London, Society of Antiquaries 687 (olim Bright) LALME: vol. 1. 137. "Hand B, language 2, ... Language from NW Suffolk." Suffolk. New York, Pierpont Morgan Library M 818 (olim Ingilby) LALME: vol. 1. 140. "MS in one hand, variable language." Oxford, Bodleian Library, Ashmole 1468 LALME: vol. 1. 145. LP 4568. Suffolk. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodl. 851 LALME: vol. 1. 146. Hand A. LP 7700. Worcs. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Digby 145 Oxford, Bodleian Library, Douce 323 Oxford, Bodleian Library, Eng. poet. a.1 (Vernon) LALME: vol. 1. 148. "MS in one hand except for the Index." LP 7630. Worcs. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Rawl. poet. 137 LALME: vol. 1. 152. LP 5690. Sussex. Oxford, University College 45 LALME: vol. 1. 154. Hand A. LP 698. Cambs. Privately owned, olimEaton Hall, Cheshire, Duke of Westminster MS Editions, facsimiles, and other sources cited: * Piers Plowman: The Z Version, eds. A. G. Rigg and C. Brewer (1983). * Photostat of Trin-C R.3.14; in poss. of MED. * Piers Plowman: The A Version, Will's Visions of Piers Plowman and Do-Well, ed. G. Kane (1960). * The Vision of William Concerning Piers the Plowman, part 1, ed. W. W. Skeat, EETS 28 (1867; reprint 1990). MED title stencils and sources: Trin-C R.3.14 * c1400(a1376) PPl.A(1) (Trin-C R.3.14) :: Piers Plowman: The A Version, Will's Visions of Piers Plowman and Do-Well, ed. G. Kane (1960). Note: In A-F the stencil refers to The Vision of William Concerning Piers the Plowman, part 1, ed. W. W. Skeat, EETS 28 (1867; reprint 1990). 131(line 181)-136(line 303). * c1400(a1376) *PPl.A(1) (Trin-C R.3.14) :: Photostat of Trin-C R.3.14; in poss. of MED. Ref. is by folio and by bracketed passus and line nos. as in Skeat's edition. Antq 687 * c1425 PPl.A(1) (Antq 687) :: Piers Plowman: The A Version, Will's Visions of Piers Plowman and Do-Well, ed. G. Kane (1960). Readings in [] and fns. * See also Variants below. Ashm 1468 * a1475 PPl.A(1) (Ashm 1468) :: Piers Plowman: The A Version, Will's Visions of Piers Plowman and Do-Well, ed. G. Kane (1960). Readings in [] and fns. Note: In A-F the stencil c1425 PPl.A(1) (Ashm 1468) refers to Skeat (1867). * See also Variants below. Bod 851 * a1500 PPl.A(1) (Bod 851) :: Piers Plowman: The Z Version, eds. A. G. Rigg and C. Brewer (1983). 110-14. Dc 323 * c1475 PPl.A(1) (Dc 323) :: Piers Plowman: The A Version, Will's Visions of Piers Plowman and Do-Well, ed. G. Kane (1960). Readings in [] and fns. Note: In A-F the stencil refers to Skeat (1867); dated ?a1475 in E and F of print MED. * See also Variants below. Dgb 145 * 1532 PPl.A(1) (Dgb 145) :: Piers Plowman: The A Version, Will's Visions of Piers Plowman and Do-Well, ed. G. Kane (1960). Readings in [] and fns. * See also Variants below. Dub 213 * a1500 PPl.A(1) (Dub 213) :: Piers Plowman: The A Version, Will's Visions of Piers Plowman and Do-Well, ed. G. Kane (1960). Readings in [] and fns. * See also Variants below. Eaton * a1500 PPl.A(1) (Eaton) :: Piers Plowman: The A Version, Will's Visions of Piers Plowman and Do-Well, ed. G. Kane (1960). Readings in [] and fns. * See also Variants below. Hrl 875 * a1475 PPl.A(1) (Hrl 875) :: Piers Plowman: The A Version, Will's Visions of Piers Plowman and Do-Well, ed. G. Kane (1960). Readings in [] and fns. Note: In A-F the stencil c1400 PPl.A(1) (Hrl 875) refers to Skeat (1867). * a1475 PPl.A(1) (Hrl 875:Skeat) :: The Vision of William Concerning Piers the Plowman, part 1, ed. W. W. Skeat, EETS 28 (1867; reprint 1990). Readings in [] and fns. * See also Variants below. Hrl 3954 * a1475 PPl.A(1) (Hrl 3954) :: Piers Plowman: The A Version, Will's Visions of Piers Plowman and Do-Well, ed. G. Kane (1960). Readings in [] and fns. * See also Variants below. Hrl 6041 * c1450 PPl.A(1) (Hrl 6041) :: Piers Plowman: The A Version, Will's Visions of Piers Plowman and Do-Well, ed. G. Kane (1960). Readings in [] and fns. Note: In A-F the stencil refers to Skeat (1867). * c1450 PPl.A(1) (Hrl 6041:Skeat) :: The Vision of William Concerning Piers the Plowman, part 1, ed. W. W. Skeat, EETS 28 (1867; reprint 1990). Readings in [] and fns. * See also Variants below. LinI 150 * a1425 PPl.A(1) (LinI 150) :: Piers Plowman: The A Version, Will's Visions of Piers Plowman and Do-Well, ed. G. Kane (1960). Readings in [] and fns. * See also Variants below. Liv-U F.4.8 * c1425 PPl.A(1) (Liv-U F.4.8) :: Piers Plowman: The A Version, Will's Visions of Piers Plowman and Do-Well, ed. G. Kane (1960). Readings in [] and fns. * See also Variants below. Mrg M 818 * ?c1450 PPl.A(1) (Mrg M 818) :: Piers Plowman: The A Version, Will's Visions of Piers Plowman and Do-Well, ed. G. Kane (1960). Readings in [] and fns. * See also Variants below. RwlPoet 137 * a1450 PPl.A(1) (RwlPoet 137) :: Piers Plowman: The A Version, Will's Visions of Piers Plowman and Do-Well, ed. G. Kane (1960). Readings in [] and fns. * See also Variants below. UC 45 * a1425 PPl.A(1) (UC 45) :: Piers Plowman: The A Version, Will's Visions of Piers Plowman and Do-Well, ed. G. Kane (1960). Readings in [] and fns. Note: In A-F the stencil refers to Skeat (1867). * a1425 PPl.A(1) (UC 45:Skeat) :: The Vision of William Concerning Piers the Plowman, part 1, ed. W. W. Skeat, EETS 28 (1867; reprint 1990). Readings in [] and fns. * See also Variants below. Vrn (Eng.poet. a.1) * c1390 PPl.A(1) (Vrn) :: The Vision of William Concerning Piers the Plowman, part 1, ed. W. W. Skeat, EETS 28 (1867; reprint 1990). 1-131(line 180). Note: Dated c1390(a1376) in A-F of print MED. * c1390 PPl.A(1) (Vrn:Kane) :: Piers Plowman: The A Version, Will's Visions of Piers Plowman and Do-Well, ed. G. Kane (1960). Readings in [] and fns. Note: * See also Variants below. Wales 733B * a1425 PPl.A(1) (Wales 733B) :: Piers Plowman: The A Version, Will's Visions of Piers Plowman and Do-Well, ed. G. Kane (1960). Readings in [] and fns. Note: * See also Variants below. Variants taken from: * Piers Plowman: The A Version, Will's Visions of Piers Plowman and Do-Well, ed. G. Kane (1960). Readings in [] and fns. c1425 (Antq 687) a1475 (Ashm 1468) [In A-F of print MED the stencil is dated c1425 and refers to Skeat (1867).] c1475 (Dc 323) [In A-F the stencil refers to Skeat (1867); dated ?a1475 in E and F of print MED.] 1532 (Dgb 145) a1500 (Dub 213) a1500 (Eaton) a1475 (Hrl 875) [In A-F of print MED the stencil is dated c1400 and refers to Skeat (1867).] a1475 (Hrl 3954) c1450 (Hrl 6041) [In A-F the stencil refers to Skeat (1867).] a1425 (LinI 150) c1425 (Liv-U F.4.8) ?c1450 (Mrg M 818) a1450 (RwlPoet 137) a1425 (UC 45) [In A-F the stencil refers to Skeat (1867).] c1390 (Vrn:Kane) a1425 (Wales 733B) * The Vision of William Concerning Piers the Plowman, part 1, ed. W. W. Skeat, EETS 28 (1867; reprint 1990). Readings in [] and fns. a1475 (Ashm 1468:Skeat) c1475 (Dc 323:Skeat) a1475 (Hrl 875:Skeat) c1450 (Hrl 6041:Skeat) a1425 (UC 45:Skeat)