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MED *Medulla (Stnh A.1.10) 34a2/a-34b(2)/a
Medulla Grammatice. Stnh A.1.10 * a1425 *Medulla (Stnh A.1.10) :: Medulla Grammatice, blueprint of MS Stnh A.1.10; in poss. of MED. Add 33534 * ?c1460 *Medulla (Add 33534) :: Latin-English Vocabulary, film of MS Add 33534; in poss. of MED. * ?c1460 Medulla (Add 33534) :: Promptorium Parvulorum, ed. A. Way, 3 parts, Camd. 25, 54, 89 (1843-65). 5-539, parallels passim in fns. Note: In A-Sn of print MED cited as ?c1460 (Way). Cnt D.2 * a1500 *Medulla (Cnt D.2) :: M. Van Zandt-McCleary, The Medulla Grammatice Latin-English Dictionary: A Diplomatic Transcription (University of Chicago diss., 1958); film in poss. of MED. * a1500 Medulla (Cnt D.2) :: Promptorium Parvulorum, ed. A. Way, 3 parts, Camd. 25, 54, 89 (1843-65). 5-539, parallels passim in fns. Hrl 1738 * a1500 *Medulla (Hrl 1738) :: F. A. Tremblay, The Latin-Middle English Glossary 'Medulla Grammatice', B.M. Harl. 1738 (Catholic University of America diss., 1968); authorized copy in poss. of MED. Hrl 2257 * a1500 *Medulla (Hrl 2257) :: Film of MS Hrl 2257; in poss. of MED. * a1500 Medulla (Hrl 2257) :: Promptorium Parvulorum, ed. A. Way, 3 parts, Camd. 25, 54, 89 (1843-65). 5-539, parallels passim in fns. Note: In A-Sn of print MED cited with the stencil: a1500 Hortus (Hrl 2257). Hrl 2270 * a1500 *Medulla (Hrl 2270) :: Latin-English Vocabulary, film of MS Hrl 2270; in poss. of MED. * a1500 Medulla (Hrl 2270) :: Promptorium Parvulorum, ed. A. Way, 3 parts, Camd. 25, 54, 89 (1843-65). 5-539, parallels passim in fns. Pep 2002 * c1480 *Medulla (Pep 2002) :: J. F. Huntsman, Pepys MS 2002 Medulla Grammatice (University of Texas diss., 1973); authorized copy in poss. of MED. StJ-C C.22 * 1468 *Medulla (StJ-C C.22) :: Medulla Grammatice, film of St. John's College, Cambridge MS 72; in University of Michigan Library. * 1468 Medulla (StJ-C C.22) :: Catholicon Anglicum: An English-Latin Wordbook, eds. S. J. H. Herrtage and H. B. Wheatley, EETS 75 (1881; reprint 1987). 1-428, parallels passim in fns. Variants taken from: * Promptorium Parvulorum, ed. A. Way, 3 parts, Camd. 25, 54, 89 (1843-65). 5-539, parallels passim in fns. a1500 (Add 37789) a1500 (Phil 8244) Manuscript, print, and LALME references: olim Phillipps 8244 (whereabouts unknown) Cambridge, Magdalene College, Pepys 2002 Cambridge, St. John's College C.22 (72) Canterbury, Cathedral Archives and Library D.2 London, British Library, Additional 33534 London, British Library, Additional 37789 (olim Amherst 46, olim Phillipps 8306) London, British Library, Harley 1738 London, British Library, Harley 2257 London, British Library, Harley 2270 Stonyhurst College, Lancashire A.1.10 (Pref.MS) Add 33534 ?c1460 *Medulla (Add 33534) :: Latin-English Vocabulary, film of MS Add 33534; in poss. of MED. ?c1460 Medulla (Add 33534) :: Promptorium Parvulorum, ed. A. Way, 3 parts, Camd. 25, 54, 89 (1843-65). 5-539, parallels passim in fns. Note: In A-Sn of print MED cited as ?c1460 (Way). Cnt D.2 a1500 *Medulla (Cnt D.2) :: M. Van Zandt-McCleary, The Medulla Grammatice Latin-English Dictionary: A Diplomatic Transcription (University of Chicago diss., 1958); film in poss. of MED. a1500 Medulla (Cnt D.2) :: Promptorium Parvulorum, ed. A. Way, 3 parts, Camd. 25, 54, 89 (1843-65). 5-539, parallels passim in fns. Hrl 1738 a1500 *Medulla (Hrl 1738) :: F. A. Tremblay, The Latin-Middle English Glossary 'Medulla Grammatice', B.M. Harl. 1738 (Catholic University of America diss., 1968); authorized copy in poss. of MED. Hrl 2257 a1500 *Medulla (Hrl 2257) :: Film of MS Hrl 2257; in poss. of MED. a1500 Medulla (Hrl 2257) :: Promptorium Parvulorum, ed. A. Way, 3 parts, Camd. 25, 54, 89 (1843-65). 5-539, parallels passim in fns. Note: In A-Sn of print MED cited with the stencil: a1500 Hortus (Hrl 2257). Hrl 2270 a1500 *Medulla (Hrl 2270) :: Latin-English Vocabulary, film of MS Hrl 2270; in poss. of MED. a1500 Medulla (Hrl 2270) :: Promptorium Parvulorum, ed. A. Way, 3 parts, Camd. 25, 54, 89 (1843-65). 5-539, parallels passim in fns. Pep 2002 c1480 *Medulla (Pep 2002) :: J. F. Huntsman, Pepys MS 2002 Medulla Grammatice (University of Texas diss., 1973); authorized copy in poss. of MED. StJ-C C.22 1468 *Medulla (StJ-C C.22) :: Medulla Grammatice, film of St. John's College, Cambridge MS 72; in University of Michigan Library. 1468 Medulla (StJ-C C.22) :: Catholicon Anglicum: An English-Latin Wordbook, eds. S. J. H. Herrtage and H. B. Wheatley, EETS 75 (1881; reprint 1987). 1-428, parallels passim in fns. Variants taken from: Promptorium Parvulorum, ed. A. Way, 3 parts, Camd. 25, 54, 89 (1843-65). 5-539, parallels passim in fns. a1500 (Add 37789) a1500 (Phil 8244)