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MED Lydg.FP (Bod 263) 6.2634
John Lydgate, Fall of Princes [Lydg.FP] Bibliographical References: IMEV 1168; Manual 6.XVI.47. Manuscript, print, and LALME references: Belvoir Castle, Leicestershire, Duke of Rutland MS London, British Library, Additional 21410 London, British Library, Harley 1766 (Pref.MS for part of text) London, British Library, Harley 1245 London, British Library, Harley 2251 London, British Library, Harley 4203 London, British Library, Royal 18.B.31 London, British Library, Royal 18.D.4 London, British Library, Royal 18.D.5 London, British Library, Sloane 4031 London, Lambeth Palace Library 256 Longleat, Somerset, Marquess of Bath MS 254 Manchester, John Rylands Library, Eng 2 (olim Crawford) Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodl. 263 (Pref.MS for part of text) Oxford, Bodleian Library, Hatton 73 Oxford, Bodleian Library, Rawl. C.448 Princeton, University Library, Dept. of Rare Books and Special Collections, Garrett 139 Editions, facsimiles, and other sources cited: * R. H. Robbins, Secular Lyrics of the XIVth and XVth Centuries (1952; 2nd ed. 1955). * English Verse between Chaucer and Surrey, ed. E. P. Hammond (1927). * Lydgate's Fall of Princes, ed. H. Bergen, 3 vols., EETSES 121-23 (1924; reprint 1967). * A Selection from the Minor Poems of Dan John Lydgate, ed. J. O. Halliwell, PS 2 (1840). MED title stencils and sources: Bod 263 * (?a1439) Lydg.FP (Bod 263) :: Lydgate's Fall of Princes, ed. H. Bergen, 3 vols., EETSES 121-23 (1924; reprint 1967). passim. Note: Preferred manuscript for all except Book 2, lines 1058-1099, Book 9, lines 3303-3588. Hrl 1766 * (?a1439) Lydg.FP (Hrl 1766) :: Lydgate's Fall of Princes, ed. H. Bergen, 3 vols., EETSES 121-23 (1924; reprint 1967). 229(Book 2, line 1058)-230(Book 2, line 1099), 1013(Book 9, line 3303)-1020(Book 9, line 3588). Note: Preferred manuscript for Book 2, lines 1058-1099, Book 9, lines 3303-3588. Bergen (critical readings) * c1450-c1500 Lydg.FP (Bergen) :: Lydgate's Fall of Princes, ed. H. Bergen, 3 vols., EETSES 121-23 (1924; reprint 1967). Critical readings in brackets or marked by asterisk. * a1475-1554 Lydg.FP (Bergen) :: Lydgate's Fall of Princes, ed. H. Bergen, 3 vols., EETSES 121-23 (1924; reprint 1967). Critical readings in brackets or marked by asterisk which are based on Gar 139 and the Tottel print of 1554. * See also Variants below. Gar 139 * a1475 Lydg.FP (Gar 139) :: Lydgate's Fall of Princes, ed. H. Bergen, 3 vols., EETSES 121-23 (1924; reprint 1967). fns. and glossary. * See also Variants below. Hat 73 * c1450 Lydg.FP (Hat 73) :: R. H. Robbins, Secular Lyrics of the XIVth and XVth Centuries (1952; 2nd ed. 1955). 100. Hrl 1245 * a1475 Lydg.FP (Hrl 1245) :: Lydgate's Fall of Princes, ed. H. Bergen, 3 vols., EETSES 121-23 (1924; reprint 1967). fns. and glossary. * a1475 Lydg.FP (Hrl 1245:Hammond) :: English Verse between Chaucer and Surrey, ed. E. P. Hammond (1927). fns. and glossary. * See also Variants below. Hrl 2251 * c1475 Lydg.FP (Hrl 2251:Halliwell) :: A Selection from the Minor Poems of Dan John Lydgate, ed. J. O. Halliwell, PS 2 (1840). 69-71, 84-94. Hrl 4203 * c1475 Lydg.FP (Hrl 4203) :: Lydgate's Fall of Princes, ed. H. Bergen, 3 vols., EETSES 121-23 (1924; reprint 1967). fns. and glossary for Book 2 line 189-end. * c1500 Lydg.FP (Hrl 4203) :: Lydgate's Fall of Princes, ed. H. Bergen, 3 vols., EETSES 121-23 (1924; reprint 1967). fns. and glossary for Book 1-Book 2 line 189. * See also Variants below. Lamb 256 * ?a1475 Lydg.FP (Lamb 256) :: Lydgate's Fall of Princes, ed. H. Bergen, 3 vols., EETSES 121-23 (1924; reprint 1967). fns. and glossary. * See also Variants below. Lngl 254 * ?a1475 Lydg.FP (Lngl 254) :: Lydgate's Fall of Princes, ed. H. Bergen, 3 vols., EETSES 121-23 (1924; reprint 1967). fns. and glossary. * See also Variants below. Roy 18.B.31 * ?a1475 Lydg.FP (Roy 18.B.31) :: Lydgate's Fall of Princes, ed. H. Bergen, 3 vols., EETSES 121-23 (1924; reprint 1967). fns. and glossary. * See also Variants below. Roy 18.D.4 * c1450 Lydg.FP (Roy 18.D.4) :: Lydgate's Fall of Princes, ed. H. Bergen, 3 vols., EETSES 121-23 (1924; reprint 1967). fns. and glossary. * c1450 Lydg.FP (Roy 18.D.4:Hammond) :: English Verse between Chaucer and Surrey, ed. E. P. Hammond (1927). fns. and glossary. * See also Variants below. Rwl C.448 * a1500 Lydg.FP (Rwl C.448) :: English Verse between Chaucer and Surrey, ed. E. P. Hammond (1927). fns. and glossary. * See also Variants below. Rutland * a1475 Lydg.FP (Rutland) :: Lydgate's Fall of Princes, ed. H. Bergen, 3 vols., EETSES 121-23 (1924; reprint 1967). fns. and glossary. * See also Variants below. Ryl Eng 2 * c1450 Lydg.FP (Ryl Eng 2) :: Lydgate's Fall of Princes, ed. H. Bergen, 3 vols., EETSES 121-23 (1924; reprint 1967). fns. and glossary. * See also Variants below. Variants taken from: * Lydgate's Fall of Princes, ed. H. Bergen, 3 vols., EETSES 121-23 (1924; reprint 1967). fns. and glossary. a1500 (Add 21410) v.d. (Bergen) a1475 (Gar 139) a1475 (Hrl 1245) c1475 (Hrl 4203) c1500 (Hrl 4203) ?a1475 (Lamb 256) ?a1475 (Lngl 254) ?a1475 (Roy 18.B.31) c1450 (Roy 18.D.4) a1475 (Rutland) c1450 (Ryl Eng 2) a1475 (Sln 4031) * English Verse between Chaucer and Surrey, ed. E. P. Hammond (1927). fns. and glossary. a1475 (Hrl 1245:Hammond) c1450 (Hrl 1766:Hammond) ?a1475 (Roy 18.B.31:Hammond) c1450 (Roy 18.D.4:Hammond) a1475 (Roy 18.D.5) a1500 (Rwl C.448)