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DMLBS Ep. Bonif. 116
Ep. Bonif.; var. BONIF. Ep.: Boniface (alias Winfreth) [ob. 755]: AG Ars [grammaticalis], ed. A. Mai, Classici auctores e codicibus Vaticanis editi VII (1835) 475-548; superseded by CCSL CXXXIIIB (1980) 1-99 [by p. of Mai]; Aen. Aenigmata (Virt. et Vit.), CCSL CXXXIII (1968) 273-343 [by line]; also ed. E. Duemmler, in PLAC I; Carm. Carmina, in PLAC I (1881) 16-20 [by no. & line]; Ep. Epistolae, ed. M. Tangl, Briefe des heiligen Bonifatius und Lullus, MGH Ep. selectae I (1916) [by no.; letters to Boniface and others cited as Ep. Bonif.]; Met. De caesuris et metris, ed. T. Gaisford, Scriptores Latini rei metricae (1837) 577-85; superseded by CCSL CXXXIIIB (1980) 109-113.