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MED *Bk.Mother (Bod 416) 56/2
Book to A Mother [Bk.Mother] Bibliographical References: IPMEP 767; Manual 7.XX.16. Manuscript, print, and LALME references: London, British Library, Additional 30897 London, British Library, Egerton 826 (olim Halliwell 219) LALME: vol. 1. 109. Hand A. LP 4682. Warwicks. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodl. 416 (Pref.MS for part of text) Oxford, Bodleian Library, Laud Misc. 210 (Pref.MS for part of text) Editions, facsimiles, and other sources cited: * Book to A Mother, ed. A. J. McCarthy (1981). * Book to A Mother, ed. A. J. McCarthy (Fordham University diss., 1961); in poss. of MED. * Reliquiae Antiquae, eds. T. Wright and J. O. Halliwell, vol. 1 (1845). MED title stencils and sources: Bod 416 * c1400 Bk.Mother (Bod 416) :: Book to A Mother, ed. A. J. McCarthy (1981). 28-204. Note: Preferred source for pp. 28(line 1)-204. In A-Q cited with stencil c1400 *Bk.Mother (Bod 416) from Book to A Mother, ed. A. J. McCarthy (Fordham University diss., 1961); in poss. of MED. 28-204. LdMisc 210 * c1400 Bk.Mother (LdMisc 210) :: Book to A Mother, ed. A. J. McCarthy (1981). 1-27. Note: Preferred source for pp. 1-27(line 12). In A-Q cited with stencil c1400 *Bk.Mother (LdMisc 210) from Book to A Mother, ed. A. J. McCarthy (Fordham University diss., 1961); in poss. of MED. 1-27. * See also Variants below. Add 30897 * a1500 Bk.Mother (Add 30897) :: Book to A Mother, ed. A. J. McCarthy (1981). fns. and passages in brackets. Note: In A-Q cited with stencil a1500 *Bk.Mother (Add 30897) from Book to A Mother, ed. A. J. McCarthy (Fordham University diss., 1961); in poss. of MED. fns. and passages in brackets. Eg 826 * a1400 Bk.Mother (Eg 826) :: Reliquiae Antiquae, eds. T. Wright and J. O. Halliwell, vol. 1 (1845). 38-42. Note: In A-Re of print MED cited with stencils ?a1400 Ave Maria, etc.(Hal), ?a1400 Creed (Hal), ?a1400 8BChrist (Hal), and ?a1400 PNoster (Hal). Variants taken from: * Book to A Mother, ed. A. J. McCarthy (1981). fns. and passages in brackets. [] a1500 (Add 30897) c1400 (LdMisc 210)