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DMLBS ROB. ANGL. Alch. 514a
ROB. ANGL. (I) Robertus Anglicus (alias of Chester, Ketene, etc. translator from Arabic [fl. 1140]: Alch. Liber de compositione alchemiae [attrib.], in Bibl. Chem. I 509-19 [recension 3]; also ed. L. Stavenhagen, A Testament of Alchemy (Hannover, N.H., 1974) [recension I]; Alg. Liber restaurationis et oppositionis numeri [transl. of the Algebra of Al-Khowirasmi (c825)], ed. L. C. Karpinski (Ann Arbor, Mich. 1915); add. addita quaedam pro declaratione Algebrae, ib 128-56. Chr. Mend. Chronica mendosa et ridiculosa Saracenorum (Basle, 1550); Jud. Judicia Alkindi (extr.) EHR XXX (1915) 63; Koran Latin version of the Koran bound w. Chr. Mend.