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MED St.Greg. (Cleo D.9) 190/1283
Legend of Pope Gregory [St.Greg.] Bibliographical References: IMEV 204, 209; Wells 5.44. Manuscript, print, and LALME references: Edinburgh, National Library of Scotland, Advocates 19.2.1 (Auchinleck) (Pref.MS for part of text) LALME: vol. 1. 88. "Hand A (main hand) ... Language of London/Middx border. Entered in Middx." LP 6510. London, British Library, Cotton Cleopatra D.9, Part 1 (Pref.MS for part of text) LALME: vol. 1. 105. "Hand A." LP 7180. Gloucs. London, British Library, Cotton Cleopatra D.9, Part 2 LALME: vol. 1. 105. "Hand B." LP 7430. Herefords. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Eng. poet. a.1 (Vernon) (Pref.MS for part of text) LALME: vol. 1. 148. "MS in one hand except for the Index." LP 7630. Worcs. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Rawl. poet. 225 Editions, facsimiles, and other sources cited: * Die mittelenglische Gregorius Legende, ed. C. Keller (1914). MED title stencils and sources: Auch (Adv 19.2.1) * c1330 St.Greg. (Auch) :: Die mittelenglische Gregorius Legende, ed. C. Keller (1914). 35-177. Note: Preferred MS for stanzas 64-165. Cleo D.9 * c1350 St.Greg. (Cleo D.9) :: Die mittelenglische Gregorius Legende, ed. C. Keller (1914). 2-64. Note: Preferred MS for stanzas 1-32, but yields to Vrn in passages in which Cleo abbreviates heavily. * c1400 St.Greg. (Cleo D.9) :: Die mittelenglische Gregorius Legende, ed. C. Keller (1914). 64-193. RwlPoet 225 * a1500 St.Greg. (RwlPoet 225) :: Die mittelenglische Gregorius Legende, ed. C. Keller (1914). 2-189. Vrn (Eng.Poet. a.1) * c1390 St.Greg. (Vrn) :: Die mittelenglische Gregorius Legende, ed. C. Keller (1914). 2-195. Note: Preferred MS for stanzas 1-32 in passages in which Cleo D.9 is heavily abbreviated; preferred MS for stanzas 166-189 (unique witness to stanzas 186-189).