Searchable Lemmata: cote-hardie (AF), cotyhardy (AF), cote (ME), cotardi (W), cote-hardie (MdE).
Alternate Forms: cotehardy, cotte hardie, cotes hardiz, cotyhardy.
form-fitting, sleeved, knee-length overgarment, with a long bodice joined to a full skirt often worn under the doublet or kirtle. The bodice was buttoned down the front, the sleeves were short and a wide girdle covered the seam at the hips. Popular in the fourteenth century, having evolved from the close-fitting surcoat.(ante 1337 - circa 1450)
1. des pourpoins, cotes [hardiz], surcotes overtes et corsetes, vous en taillerez ...
[var. [O]: des pourpoins, cotes hardiz, surcotes overtes] ...
grant cop des cousturers qui savent ... ignellement coustre
[AND Man lang ANTS (48) 1396]
2. [226] ... (PROME item 500) Item, .ij. peces d'argent d'un sort, chacez de roses et de batons, pois' ensemble .x. unces, pris l'unce .ij. s .vi. d.; .xxv. s. ...
[227] ... (PROME item 552) Item, .i. autre crois d'argent dorrez, fait des batons ragges, pois' .vij. unces .iij. quarters, pris del unce .ij. s. .viij. d.; .xx. s. .viij. d. ...
(Item 556) En primes, ung Vestiment entier de noier ragamas d'or, contenant I chesible, II tunicles, III copes, III amites, III aubes, II stoles, II fanons, I frount, I counterfrount, ovec II towailles ...
(item 560) Item, II Luivres [PROME linvres] des Hoppelandes de rouge syndon a tripe, pris ... III s. IIII d.
(item 561) Item, .i. autre hapeland de noier furre de grey, pris .xx. s.
(item 562) Item, .i. autre hopeland de noier de lir' furre de grey, pris .xx. s.
(item 563) Item, .i. surcote overt ovec .i. mantelle, et .i. cote hardy d'escarlet; [8] pris de toutz .xxvi. s. .viij. d.
(item 564) Item, ung manche de velviet cremosy, pris .vi. s. .viij. d.
(item 565) Item, .i. peire de bedes de geet, pris .iij. s. .iiij. d. ...
[AND RotParl1 (iv 226-227) 1423]
3. Ac ar hynny ef awelei marchawc urdawl yn dyuot a chotardi o scarlat coch ymdanaw a gwregis o sidan a gemeu eur amdanaυ. A chae mawrwreithyawc ar y dwyvronn a mein mawrwreithyawc yndaw, a choron oeur am y benn, a bwyall eurllec yn y law.
[GPC HMSS (i 259) circa 1435]
4. A yonge squier ... was clothed in a cote hardy [F cote hardie] upon the guyse of Almayne ... `Sir,' saide the knight ... `ye be ... lyke vnto a mynstrall' ... thanne the yonge squier ... cleped a purseuaunt, and gaue hym the cote hardy. And he abled hym selff in an other gowne
Heroic, Romance.
[MED Knt.Tour-L. ((Hrl 1764) 159/1,17) circa 1450]
Sex: Male Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: Arm, Back, Chest, Shoulder(s), Waist.
for women, a fitted gown with long sleeves and an open neck; popular in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, having evolved from the close-fitting surcot (surcoat).(circa 1450)
1. She araied her selff in the best guyse that she coude ... and she clothed her in a cote hardy vnfurred ... for to haue a sclender ... body, and she clothed her in a cote hardy [F cotte hardie] vnfurred, the whiche satte right streite upon her.
Heroic, Romance.
[MED Knt.Tour-L. ((Hrl 1764) 165/30) circa 1450]
Sex: Female Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: Arm, Back, Chest, Leg, Waist.
Speculative, Cf. cote (coat) + hardi (F, boldness, courage?).
WF: Compound
Etym Cog: