< University of Manchester, Lexis of Cloth & Clothing Project, Search Result For: 'armature'

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Searchable Lemmata: armatura (L), armature (ME), armature (MdE).
Alternate Forms: armaturum (L).

    Definitions and Defining Citations:

1(n.) Armour; arms and armour; a suit of armour (sometimes distinguished as linen or iron); also with heraldic and figurative uses.(ante 700 - circa 1850)
1. spiritalis armaturae spiculis ... certandum ... inermes quosque ac virginitatis lorica spoliatos(fig.) [DMLBS ALDH. (VirgP 11) ante 709]
2. spiritalis armature : [gastlicere] weapnunge.(fig. - cf. ALDH. VirgP 11) [DOE AldV 1 (Goossens) (0802 (802))]
3. sicut, ubi militares acies de plano conveniunt, gravis illa et multiplex armatura tam linea quam ferrea milites egregie munit et ornat, sic, ubi solum in arcto confligitur ... , longe levis armatura prestantior [DMLBS GIR. (EH II 38)]
4. hee sunt armature quas ... recepit ... : unam loricam, ... j gardecors de ferro, j cohoperturas ferreas, j caligas ferreas, j galeam, j cap[ellum ferreum], j paelett'; et de lineis armaturis j purpunctum et j espauleram de nigro cendalo, ... quiseram et coleram et coifam et tunicam armandam et duo paria cohopertoriorum ... Accounts. [DMLBS CurR (XI 1913) 1224]
5. armaturas pro xl hominbus que esse volumus dubletta cum platis, bacinettis et cirotecis ferreis vel eciam aketones et hauberjones cum bacinettis et cirotecis predictis [DMLBS Cl (99 m. 11) 1336]
6. [reges Francorum] clypeos et vexilla cum ceteris armaturis simplicibus tantum gladioli flosculis signant et ornant Other. (heraldic) [DMLBS GIR. (PI III 30 p. 321) circa 1217]
7. omnes armaturas tam cote-armurs quam alias(Cl) (heraldic) [DMLBS Foed. (IV 371) 1328]
8. In hors, in armature, and in array. [MED Vegetius(2) ((Pmb-C 243) 1298) ante 1460]
c.f.: armature
L, ME, MdE; Primarily N/A.
Sex: Male    Use: Military    Status: n/a    Rank: n/a    Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: N/A.
2(n.) Manufacture; also, the manufacture of arms and armour, etc.; an armoury; an armed force (?).(1100 - 1500)
Use: Military    Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: N/A.

    Etymological Evidence:

Definite, Classical Latin.
Etym Cog: armature.