< University of Manchester, Lexis of Cloth & Clothing Project, Search Result For: 'hanger'

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The Lexis of Cloth and Clothing Project


Searchable Lemmata: hongere (ME), hanger (AF), hangar (OScots), hanger (MdE).
Alternate Forms: hynger, hengers, hangres, hangers, hyngeris, hangeris.

    Definitions and Defining Citations:

1a(n.) Jewellery; something suspended or hanging; specifically, a pendant on a piece of jewellery, a brooch or similar; a strap or pendant (in AF usage)? (cf. senses below)(ante 1425 still in current use)
1. [p. 229] ... (PROME item 630) vii copes de velvet cremosy, sengle et nient garnisez, pris le pece .xlvi. s. .viij. d.; xvi.li .vi. s. .viij. d. ... (645) i cope de chamelet rouge d’or, les orfreys de velvet bloy, pris .xlvi. s. .viij. d. ... (662) Chesible de velvet vert playn, ovec III aubes, les orfreis enbroudés ovec signes. Item, II autr' clothes, I frountell de tarterin vert, II curteynes raiés de tarterin, ovec I stole, II phanons ... (668) Item, i chesible de damask bloy, les orfreis de velvet rouge et noier enbroudes, ovec .i. aube, et .i. amyte, pris .xxxvi. s. .viij. d. ... (675) Item, .viij. cropers de velvet d'or rouge, frengez et usez, et chescun croper de .vi. hangers, pris .iiij.li. ... (678) Item, .xi. horshouses de rouge drap, pris le pece .xx. d.; .xviij. s. .iiij. d. ... (679) Item, .vij. horshouses de rouge drap, pris le pece .vi. s. .viij. d.; .xlvi. s. .viij. d. ... [p. 230] ... i lite de soy baudekyn, blanc vert & glauc pale ... [p. 231] ... III carpettz de lether ... ii pair’ de draps champayn fyn ... Item, i esparver palez de tarterin vert, blanc & vermaille Legal. AND2, 'hanger': '(ME) pendant (?), strap (?)' [LexP PROME (Hen. VI: Parl. of Oct. 1423, items 630+) 1423]
2. [42] ... Of þe same somme þe Treserour of England doo make laie of the marc of the sak graunted to Caleys ... [62] ... j gret diamand pointed with thre hangers, garnized with rubis Legal. [MED Proc.Privy C. (5.42-62) 1437]
3. [190] ... j par bedis of laumbyr lacyd, with mony hyngeris knopped of rede silk ... [192] ... I will yat Thomas my son have my parlement robe Wills. [MED Will York in Sur.Soc.30 (190-192) 1453]
4. sellours, lorimers, fusours, feisours des cardes, hurers, wyremongers, textours, horners ... Cincturers, Fesours des pountes (var. pointez) , Pinners, Bursers, Gaunters, Cotelers, Bladesmythes, Blaksmythes (M.E. Gurdelers, Poyntmakers, Pynners, Pursers) ... plumbe, Cheines de Wyre sibien de laton come de fer, Chaundelers de fer, Grates hornés por lanternes ... ascuns maners ceinctures ne ascuns herneisez overez pur ceinctures pointes, laces de quir, burses, pouches, espinges, gaunces (l. gauntes) , cotelx, hangers, forcés pur taillours, forcettes appellés vulgarment scisors Legal. (dating uncertain; citations from individual page of text may not appear in original order)) [AND Stats (ii 495) post 1480]
AF, ME, MdE.
Sex: N/A    Use: Secular    Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: N/A.
1b(n.) Accessory; something suspended or hanging; specifically, a dagger or a short sword.(circa 1430 - ante 1500 ?)
1. Lego Thome Hereward ... basilardam meam parvam vocatam hanger Wills. [MED Reg.Chichele in Cant.Yk.S.42 ((Lamb 69) 447) 1431]
2. Quod nullus deinceps habeat nec vtatur costrellis nec long hangers infra hanc Ciuitatem sub pena amissionis eorum Legal. (reference: 1452?) [MED Cov.Leet Bk. (272) ante 1525]
Sex: Male    Use: n/a    Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: N/A.
1c(n.) Furnishing; something suspended or hanging; specifically, a piece of wall hanging or tapestry.(circa 1400 - circa 1570 ?)
1. [11] ... Pro j coverleto cum chapletz de viridi ... Pro j aula rubia de opere tapestre ... [12] ... j goune rubei pro equitatione ... Pro j kirtill de rubio mixto, fururato cum rubio pulayn ... [13] ... j frountour de blodio panno auri ... Pro j roba de blodio melled ... Pro j supertunica fururata de puleyn gray, cum capucio ... j pilch de scrank et bys de j tunica equitatura ... [14] ... Pro j hynger pro alta tabula, de panno lineo, cont. viij ulnas Wills. (citations from individual page of text may not appear in original order) [MED Will York in Sur. Soc. 45 (11-14) 1400]
2. [240] ... i. chaperon de drap d'or imperiall, furrez des Ermyns, pris .ij. s. ... Item, .i. rem' de velvet crymesy damask, pris .v. s. ... [241] ... i riche autreclothe de velvet rouge ... Item, .ii. tapitz hangers de mesme le suyte, chescun contenant en longure .x. verges, & .iii. verges demi de large, en tout .lxx. verges quarrez Legal. Citations from AND compared against and extended with PROME: Anne Curry (ed.), 'Henry VI: Parliament of October 1423, Text and Translation', in The Parliament Rolls of Medieval England, ed. C. Given-Wilson et al., items 1045 and following. Internet version, at http://www.sd-editions.com/PROME, accessed on 2 June 2010. Scholarly Digital Editions, Leicester: 2005 [Rot. Parl1, iv 240-241]. [AND RotParl1 (iv 240-241) 1423]
AF, ME, MdE, OScots; Primarily Wills.
Sex: N/A    Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: N/A.
1d(n.) Accessory; something suspended or hanging; specifically, a shred or torn piece hanging from a cloth.(circa 1435 - ante 1525 ?)
1. That euery walker withe-in this Cite ffro this tyme fforwarde walke no Cloth & wete hym, but yeff the seyde Cloth bere the lengeth off xxiiij yerdes atte leste, and euery dossen xij yerdes atte lest ... and yeff so be that hit wol-not bere the seyde lengeth, than that the walker Teynter hym out to the lengethe of xv yerdes ... [188] ... Þat ther be non hangres vpon the Cloth Legal. (reference: 1437?) [MED Cov.Leet Bk. (187-188) ante 1525]
2. They shull make non hengers off Clothe so Rakked, apon the peyne to lose at eueri defaute vj s. viij d. Legal. (reference: 1435?) [MED Cov.Leet Bk. (172) circa 1525]
ME, MdE; Primarily Legal.
Sex: N/A    Use: n/a    Status: n/a    Rank: n/a    Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: N/A.

    Etymological Evidence:

Definite, From the ME verb hongen ('to hang', etc.).
WF: Derivation
Etym Cog: