< University of Manchester, Lexis of Cloth & Clothing Project, Search Result For: 'jupon'

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Searchable Lemmata: jupon (AF), jupon (ME), jupo (L), juponus (L), juppon (OScots), jupon (MdE).
Alternate Forms: gipoun, jupoun, iupoun, ioupoun, gypoun, gepon, gypon, gepoun, gryphoun, jopown, japon, jepun, jappon, iopon, gabon, jepouns, iopons, iompons.

    Definitions and Defining Citations:

1a(n.) Garment; type of light tunic or surcoat. In AF and Old French texts the jupon (jupoun, jopon; Old French gippon), generally refers to a close-fitting tunic or doublet worn under the hauberk (cf. 'jupe', 'jupel', AND2). In specific uses the jupon refers to a a tunic or surcoat of light cloth worn in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries over armour to minimize the effect of heat as well as to identify the wearer.(ante 1350 - ante 1500)
1. E ad faciendum unum jupoun de taffata blu ... unum jupoun de stuff ... unum jupoun de zatayn blu poudré en garteriis blu Accounts. AND2 offers: 'close-fitting tunic or doublet, worn under the hauberk' [AND Wardrobe Expenses Ed III (34) 1344/1349]
2. [30] ... j baselard ... [34] ... Ad faciendum vnum jupoun de taffata blu ... Pro corpore Regis ... garteriis paratis cum boucles et pendentes de argento deaurato. ... [35] ... Ad faciendum vnum jupoun de stuff ad arma de armis Accounts. (same as above) [MED Wardrobe Acc.Edw.III(1) in Archaeol.31 (30-35) 1345/1349]
3. Þor3-out ys scheld & is habreioun, Plates, & iakke & ioupoun, Þor3-out al it 3ot Heroic, Romance. [MED Firumb.(1) ((Ashm 33) 3689) circa 1380]
4. [2030] ... Depeynted ... Saugh I ... the sharpe swerd ouer his heed Hangynge by a subtil twynes threed ... Som wol ben armed in an haubergeoun [vrr. habergeon, haberioun, habirioun, haburgeon, haburgoun], And in a brestplate and in a light gypoun [vrr. gypon, Iopoun, Iepon, gippoun, grippoun] Poetic, Romance. [MED Chaucer CT.Kn. ((Manly-Rickert) A.2030-2120) circa 1385]
5. [3.84] ... And some wil haue, of chose geseran, On his dublet but an haberioun, And some only but a sure gepoun Ouer his poleyns, rechyng to þe kne, And þat his slevis eke so longe be Þat his vaunbras may be curid ner. ... [3.94] ... To welde hym wel, whan þat he schal fi3t ... some wiln han a target or a spere, And some a pavis, his body for to were Heroic, Historic, Poetic, Romance. (work: a1420) [MED Lydg.TB ((Aug A.4) 3.84-94) circa 1425]
6. And Tydeus abouen his haberioun A Gypon [vrr. gepon, gryphoun] hadde hidous, sharpe and hoor, wroght of the bristels of a wylde boor Heroic, Historic, Romance. (work: ?c1421) [MED Lydg.ST ((Arun 119) 1545) ante 1450]
7. Sir Arthure ... Armede hym in a acton with orfraeez full ryche, Abouen on þat a jeryn of Acres owte-ouer, Abouen þat a jesseraunt of jentyll maylez, A jupon of Ierodyn jaggede in schredez Arthurian, Heroic, Romance. (work: ?a1400) [MED Morte Arth.(1) ((Thrn) 905) circa 1440]
8. [4231] ... Þe cantell of the clere schelde he kerfes in sondyre ... [4238] ... The felettes of þe ferrere syde he flassches in sondyre, Thorowe jopown and jesserawnte of gentill mailes ... [4247] ... He ... Swappes of þe swerde-hande ... Ane inche fro þe elbowe ... Thorowe brater [read: bracer] of brown stele and þe bryghte mayles ... [4249] ... Thane frescheliche þe freke the fente vpe rererys [read: rerys], Brochis hym in with the bronde to þe bryghte hiltys Arthurian, Heroic, Romance. (work: ?a1400) [MED Morte Arth.(1) ((Thrn) 4231-4249) circa 1440]
9. Fyf hundred fi3tyng men ... In jepouns & jambers Historic. [MED Siege Jerus.(1) ((LdMisc 656) 1114) ante 1450]
c.f.: jupe
AF, L, ME, MdE, OScots; Primarily Romance.
Sex: Male    Use: Military    Status: n/a    Rank: n/a    Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: Back, Chest, Entire Body.
1b(n.) Furnishing; short kirtle worn by women (in Early Modern use only).(circa 1542 - 1650 ?)
c.f.: jupe
Sex: Female    Use: Secular    Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: Back, Chest.

    Etymological Evidence:

Definite, Medieval L jupo, juponus and ME jupon, etc. from Old French/AF jupon [also gippon], itself from jupe, L jupa; ultimately from Arabic.
Etym Cog: jupon (OF).