< University of Manchester, Lexis of Cloth & Clothing Project, Search Result For: 'laneus'

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Searchable Lemmata: laneus (L).
Alternate Forms: lanea, laneas, lanei, laneis, laneo, laneum, lanium, laniumque.

    Definitions and Defining Citations:

1(adj.) Manufacture; woollen; made of or pertaining to wool. With pannus or tela ( pannus laneus, tela lanea), used to describe a piece of wool cloth.(ante 800 - circa 1400)
1. [8] ... (790) dirigite ... triplicia vestimenta caprina et lanea ad puerorum opus ... [15] ... (793) non tortas crinium alligationes, sed rectas morum conligationes [DMLBS ALCUIN (Ep. 8-15) circa 790]
2. lineum, linen; lineum, wyllen Gloss. woollen [DMLBS ÆLF. (Gl. 151. 17)]
3. vestis ... lanea asperior, linea mollior est, sed lanea vestis frigus expellit, linea contra hiemis injuriam non satis sufficit [DMLBS AILR. (Serm. 21. 38. 359) ante 1166]
4. in panno laneo empto ad lac purgandum iij d. Accounts. (also Ac. Combe) [DMLBS Doc. Bec (162) 1308]
5. pro vj peciis panni albi lanii in j pynnok Accounts. (also KR AcCust) [DMLBS EEC (551) 1392]
L; Primarily Accounts.
Sex: N/A    Use: n/a    Status: n/a    Rank: n/a    Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: N/A.
2(adj.) Raw Material; as a subst.: wool cloth; an article made of wool.(ante 1000 ?)
1. laneis ... induti Ecclesiastic/Regula. [DMLBS ÆLF. (EC 45) circa 1000]
2. nihil pellicium aut lineum vestiunt, nec illud quod subtiliter texitur laneum, quod nos staminium vocamus Historic. [DMLBS W. MALM. (GR IV 336) circa 1125]
L; Primarily Other.
Sex: N/A    Use: n/a    Status: n/a    Rank: n/a    Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: N/A.

    Etymological Evidence:

Definite, Classical Latin.
Etym Cog: lanu, lainé.