< University of Manchester, Lexis of Cloth & Clothing Project, Search Result For: 'scarlet'

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Searchable Lemmata: escarlet (AF), scarlet (AF), scarletum (L), scarlet (ME), scarlóit (Ir), ysgarlad (W), scarlet (OScots), scarlet (MdE).
Alternate Forms: escarlate, escarlete, escarlette, eschaleite, escharlete, esgarlate, eskarlete, scarlate, scarlei, scarlet, sgarloid, skarlet.

    Definitions and Defining Citations:

1(n.) Textile; rich cloth material; by the fourteenth century, an expensive woollen cloth, dyed with kermes, which had been teaselled and sheared repeatedly. Initially the word was not confined to one colour [Munro, J. H. (1983); Munro, J. H. (2012)]. Other colours associated with scarlet cloth: 'pers', blue, green, brown, and MdE scarlet. In later usage: scarlet-coloured cloth.(ante 1140 - post 1859)
1. En icel tens ... Vindrent uns signes el pais, Vermeilles se vont demustrant ... Cum escarlates s’estendeient Heroic, Historic. [AND GAIMAR (2145) 1139]
2. pannarii, nimia cupidate ducti, fallaces vendunt pannos ... scarleticos, radiatos [gl. rayes] et stanfordios. Gloss. [DMLBS GARL. (Dict. 128) ante 1230]
3. Escole de Oxenford / Escarlet de Nichole / Hauberge de Estanford / Blauncket de Blye / Burnet de Beuerle / Russet de Colcestre Poetic. [LexP Douce (9-14) circa 1250]
4. C’est assavoir quatre deniers du drap d'assise et sanz grein; et six deniers du drap d'assise et scarlet Legal. [AND Foedera (iii 771) post 1255]
5. Florice het nime ... a mantel of scarlet Ipaned al wi3 meniuer Romance. [MED Floris ((Auch) 131) circa 1330]
6. Hoywddyn aur heddiw’n arwain / Caeau, modrwyau, a main ; / Ysgarlad aml a chamlod, / Sidan glân os ydyw’n glod. Poetic. [GPC IGE (288. 3-6)]
7. [92] ... j Surcote de Scarleta pro parliamento furrato cum byce. ... [93] ... Vnum integrum vestimentum de blodio damask, orphreyed de motteley veluet ... cum frontell et contrafrontell et parura operata ad modum vnius Burse ... Vnum vestimentum de bustian albo ... j frontell et contrafrontell panni linei styneth [?read: steynet] ... .iij amittas cum parura de albo Tartaryn steyneth [?read: steynet] cum trefoill ... [98] ... j frounte & ij curtyns ... pro j altare ... j frontell cum j frount et j reredos ... j Celur cum j reredos ... j reredos cum j frount et ij curtyns de Tartarin viridi radiato ... v capis de panno adaurato de Lukes albo; j panno adaurato de Lukes veteri ... ij vlnis di. panni adaurati de Lukes blodio ... j panno adaurato de Lukes partito rubeo et viridi ... ij dalmatikes de panno ad aurum de Lukes albo ... ij lynynges de Tartarin ... j de colore viridi et alter de colore nigro ... [99] ... Item vn daggeswayn, pris ij s. Accounts. [MED Invent.Agincourt in Archaeol.70 (92-99) 1415]
8. Item, 1 Goune de violet, furrez de gros Menever, pris xl s. ... 1 Goune d'Escarlet, furrez de Marterons ... Furrez de sides de Foynes & Marterons ... Legal. (citations from individual page of text may not appear in original order) [MED RParl. (4.235) 1423]
9. Ac ar hynny ef awelei marchawc urdawl yn dyuot a chotardi o scarlat coch ymdanaw a gwregis o sidan a gemeu eur amdanaυ. A chae mawrwreithyawc ar y dwyvronn a mein mawrwreithyawc yndaw, a choron oeur am y benn, a bwyall eurllec yn y law. [GPC HMSS (i 259) circa 1435]
10. Thanne was don on the Bisshop an abbite in maner a ffreris Cope of fyne Scarlet furrid with purid werke Historic. (work: c1430) [MED Brut-1430 ((Glb E.8) 434/4) circa 1450]
11. Gabhuis uime ar n-eirge a mochtráth, matal sgarláoid, sgiamhda a corp, matal ríogh mallshúilech Múaidhe, dalldhuinech (galluine v.l. ) sdiom úaine ort. Heroic, Poetic. [eDIL KMMisc. (170 § 13) circa 1200/1224]
AF, Ir, L, ME, MdE, OScots, W; Primarily N/A.
Sex: N/A    Use: n/a    Status: n/a    Rank: n/a    Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: N/A.
2(n.) Dye; colour scarlet; scarlet dye, particularly, by the thirteenth century, associated with kermes. As a colour adjective, applied to wool (Monnas, L. forthcoming 2014).(ante 1387 still in current use)
1. Engelonde ... haþ nou3t so grete plente of good water for dyuers coloures and hewes as Flaundres haþ and Braban; Neuerþeles, at Londoun is oon welle þat helpeþ wel to make good scarlet [L scarletum] Historic. [MED Trev.Higd. ((StJ-C H.1) 1.289) ante 1378]
2. [1917] ... His rode is lyk scarlet in grayn ... [1924] ... His robe was of syklatoun [vrr. sicladoun, ciclatoune, silkatoun, sylke latoun] That coste many a iane Poetic, Romance. [MED Chaucer CT.Th. ((Manly-Rickert) B.1917-24) circa 1390]
3. Hire robe was ful riche of red scarlet engreyned, With ribanes of red golde and of riche stones Poetic, Vision. (work: c1378) [MED PPl.B ((LdMisc 581) 2.15-16) circa 1400]
4. [32] ... Theyr clothing was off colour fful covenable ... The Sheryves, the Aldermen fful notable In ffurred clokes, the colour skarlette ... [38] ... The citezenis echoon off the Citee, In here entent that they were pure and clene, Chees hem off white a ffull ffeyre lyuere. Drama, Historic, Poetic. (dating uncertain; reference: 1432) [MED Lydg.Hen.VI Entry ((Jul B.2) 32-38) circa 1435]
5. Scarlet, colowre: Lutus Gloss. [check - lutus often refers to yellow] [MED PParv. ((Hrl 221) 442) 1440]
c.f.: lutus
ME, MdE, OScots; Primarily N/A.
Sex: N/A    Use: n/a    Status: n/a    Rank: n/a    Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: N/A.
References: Monnas, L. (2014)
3(n.) Personal Name; as a surname.(1185 still in current use)
Ceremonial: No
Body Parts:

    Etymological Evidence:

Definite, An aphetic from Old French escarlate (AF escarlet, scarlet); also cf. Medieval L scarletum, scarlatum, Anglo-Latin scareletum. The OED suggests an etymology from Persian saqalat, siqalat, suqlat, a kind of rich cloth (ciclatoun is apparently a derivative) ['scarlet', OED, 2nd ed. (1989)]. *** more likely from Arabic, older attestestations than Persian, and ultimately from Latin sigillatus.
Etym Cog: escarlet (OF).

    Archaeological Evidence:

References: Scott, M. (2007)