Searchable Lemmata: blanchet (AF), blanchettus (L), blanchet (ME), blanket (OScots), blanchet (MdE), blanket (MdE).
Alternate Forms: blanchetta, blancketh, blanked, blanket, blankete, blankett, blankette, blaunchet, blaunchette, blauncket, blaunket, blenket, bloncat, blonket, blonket, bluncat, blunket, plonkett.
Raw Material;
white, wax-based ointment, white lead, or similar substance. Also cf. stibium. [By extension, in citations not related to cloth and clothing: white, pale, whitish.](ante 1300 - circa 1400)
Sex: N/A Use: n/a Status: n/a Rank: n/a Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: N/A.
wool cloth, usually white or left undyed; a piece of such material.(post 1212 - post 1450)
2. Escole de Oxenford / Escarlet de Nichole / Hauberge de Estanford / Blauncket de Blye / Burnet de Beuerle / Russet de Colcestre
[LexP Douce (9-14) circa 1250]
3. [68] ... fecit unum blanketum et fuit in prima parte bona trama ... et alibi in locis pluribus debilis trama ... [69] ... panno vermilione super quem consuerat unam listam contra Gildam
[DMLBS Rec. Leic. (I 68-69) 1254]
7. Nous vous mandons qe ... facez liverer ... drap launge de blankete pur un corsete et autre drap launge pur deux cotes ... trois paire de chauces et un canevace pur son lit ...
[AND PRO E101/395/2 (43) circa 1364/1371]
8. [222] ... facez liverer drap de blanket et russet pur deux habitz ... [223] ... qe a ... R. de W. ... facez liverer deux centz aulnes de drap de Candelwikstrete
[AND PRO E101/395/2 (222)]
9. pur toutz draps appellez broedes ... tant colorié come blanket et bastardes ... e brocour avera pur brocage ... cotton fil pur le bale . xij d. ... cotton en lain pur le bale – xij d.
[AND PRO E163/9/21 (f.20r) 1485/1509]
10. The ij ridels of tapheta, that I boght of Sir Rauf, be gyfen to the Prior of Huntyngton into the new Chapell of our Lady, that now es in makyng, to the wirchip of hir auter ... Half a clathe of gude white blanket.
[MED Will York in Sur.Soc.4 (185) 1393/1394]
11. concessimus ... fratri J. S. ordinis Fratrum Minorum octo ulnas de russeto et octo ulnas de blanketo pro vestura sua
Accounts, Legal.
[DMLBS Pat (352 m. 34) 1399]
12. [38] ... Blankett, vollon clothe: Lodix. Blankett, lawngelle: Langellus ... [39] ... Bleykcloþe, or qwysters [Win: as qwychstaris]: Candido; Bleystare, or wytstare [Win: qvytstare; Phil: qwytstare]: Candidarius ...
[MED PParv. ((Hrl 221) 38-39) 1440]
Sex: N/A Use: n/a Status: n/a Rank: n/a Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: N/A.
blanket; a woollen bedcover or wrap, usually in the form of a large sheet.(circa 1300 still in current use)
5. [6] ... A payre shites of reynes, with an heuedshite of sute and iij pilwes ... [6/3] ... My thridde beste fetherbed, with caneuas materas, twey blankettes.
Legal, Wills.
[MED EEWills (6-6/3) 1395]
6. x. blanketez de Whiteney un lit ... un coverture, ... une sarge, deux pair de linchiaux ... deux blanketes ...
une douszaine pair de soliers
[AND Man lang (49) 1396]
8. [38] ... Blankett, vollon clothe: Lodix. Blankett, lawngelle: Langellus ... [39] ... Bleykcloþe, or qwysters [Win: as qwychstaris]: Candido; Bleystare, or wytstare [Win: qvytstare; Phil: qwytstare]: Candidarius ...
[MED PParv. ((Hrl 221) 38-39) 1440]
Sex: N/A Use: n/a Status: n/a Rank: n/a Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: N/A.
fustian, dark cloth (in single, 13th-century AF gloss).(1200 - 1300)
1. [7] ... fuscus: blanket ... peltis ... ademptis: escu ... [10] ... villus –li: gallice focheym .s. pars velleris
[AND TLL (ii 7-10) ante 1300]
Sex: N/A Use: n/a Status: Uncertain Rank: Uncertain Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: N/A.