< University of Manchester, Lexis of Cloth & Clothing Project, Search Result For: 'caddis'

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Searchable Lemmata: cadace (AF), catassa (L), cadace (ME), cadas (W), cadas (Ir), caddas (OScots), caddis (MdE), caddice (MdE).
Alternate Forms: cadas, cadaz, cadac, catasse.

    Definitions and Defining Citations:

Note(n.) ; The varied senses represent two originally distinct terms which were later conflated.
Ceremonial: No
Body Parts:
1a(n.) ; cotton or bombast material.(1100 - 1400)
1. an toradh ceadna do berbadh ar uisge fearthana 7 cadas do thuma ann [eDIL 23 K 42 (341.19)]
Ceremonial: No
Body Parts:
1b(n.) Other; padding or stuffing; material (either silk or cotton wool, as rough silk fibres or flock), used for padding garments for practical use or to make the body look more well-built; in some later uses, cotton (used for padding or stuffing); also used for surgical dressing.(1200 - 1800)
1. ]186.46] ... La damoysele l’arma de estraunge armeyure: Pur aketoun ly bayle blaunche char e pure ... [186.74] ... La damoysele l’arma (=J.C.) de estraunge armeyure: Pur aketoun ly bayle blaunche char e pure, Pur cadaz e cotoun de saunk fu le encusture Poetic. [AND Lyric (187.46-74) circa 1200/1400]
2. [28] ... Pro ij libris Coton' et ij libris Cadac' emptis ... [30] ... Pro iij vlnis et dimidia de Burnet et dimidia vlna Jaune, viij s. Accounts. [MED Wardrobe Acc.de Clare in Archaeol.70 (28-30) 1286]
3. cum ipsi nuper quendam (sic) balam catasse in quandam navi ... in Janua carcaverint Accounts. (cf. CalCl 1392-6 53: '100 lb. of 'cadas') [DMLBS Cl (219 m. 13) 1380]
4. [505a] ... And also to ordeyn and stablissh that noo man, but such as have possessions to the yerely value of .xl.li. or above, use or were, fro the seid fest, eny furres of martirons, funes, letyce, pured grey, menyver, nor noo wyf, sonne, doughter or servaunt of eny such man, the same sonne and doughter beyng in his rule and governaunce, nor noo woman wydowe, but such as have possessions of the seid yerely value of .xl.li., use or were eny of the seid furres, or eny girdell harneysed with gold or with silver in eny part therof overgilt, or eny corse of silke made oute of this reame, or eny kerchef wherof the price of a \plyght/ shall excede the somme of .iij. s. .iiij. d. uppon peyn to forfeit to your highnes, for every defaute therof, .v. marc. Provided alwey that the forseid squiers menialx, sergeauntez, officers of youre seid houshold, yomen of the coroune, yomen of youre chambre and squiers and gentilmen havyng possessions of the seid yerely value of .xl.li.; and the forseid maires, recorders, aldermen, shirrefs and baillyfs of every of the seid citees, tounes and boroughs, and the seid barons of the .v. portes, and their wyfes, may use and were the forseid furres of mattrones, funes, letyce, pured grey or pured menyver; and also that \their seid wyfes may/ use and were gilt gyrdils and kerchiefs of the price of a plyte of .v. s. And ferthermore to ordeyn and stablissh that noo man, but such as hath possessions of the yerely value of .xl. s., use nor were in aray for his body, fro the seid fest, eny fustian, bustian nor fustian of napuls, scarlet cloth engreyned; nor noo pellure but blak lambe or white lambe; all maiers, aldermen, shirrefs, barons of the .v. portes, baillifs of citees and boroughs, and other afore provided, and their wyfes, and the meniall servauntez of yomens degree of lordes, knyghtes, squiers and other gentilmen, havyng possessions of the seid yerely value of .xl.li., except; uppon peyn to forfeit to youre highnes, at every defaute, .xl. s. And also to ordeyn and stablissh that noo yoman, nor noon other persone under that degree, fro the fest of Seint Peter called thadvincle next commyng, use nor were in the aray for his body, eny bolsters nor stuffe of wolle, coton nor cadas, nor other stuffer in his doublet, save lynyng accordyng to the same; uppon the peyn to forfeit to youre highnes, at every defaute, .vi. s. .viij. d. And ferther to ordeyn and stablissh that noo knyght under thastate of a lorde, squier, gentilman nor other persone, use or were, from the fest of All Halowen next commyng, eny gowne, jaket or cloke, but it be of such lengh, as hit, he beyng upright, shall covere his pryve membres and buttokkes, uppon the peyn to forfeit to youre highnes, at every defaute, .xx. s. And also to ordeyn and stablissh that noo taillour make, after the same fest, to eny persone, eny gowne, jaket or cloke of lesse lengh, or doublet stuffed contrarie to the premissez, uppon the same peyne at every defaute. And also to ordeyn and stablissh that noo knyght under thastate of a lorde, squier, gentilman or other persone, use nor were, from the seid fest of Seint Peter, eny shoes or boteux, havyng pykes passyng the lengh of .ij. ynches; uppon the peyn to forfeit to youre highnes, at every defaute, .xl. d. And also to ordeyn and stablissh that yf eny corvyser make eny pykes of shoen or boteux, after the seid fest ... Legal. Citations from MED compared against and extended with PROME [Parliamentary Records of Medieval England, accessed 14 July 2010, <http://sd-editions.com/PROME/home.html>]. W. M. Ormrod (ed.), 'Edward IV: Parliament of April 1463, Text and Translation', in The Parliament Rolls of Medieval England, ed. C. Given-Wilson et al.,505 columns a-b. Internet version, at http://www.sd-editions.com/PROME, accessed on 14 July 2010. Scholarly Digital Editions, Leicester: 2005. [LexP PROME (Ed. IV: Parl. of April 1463, item 20 cont. (505a-b)) 1463/1464]
5. [p. 227] Off ffyne cordewan’, A goodly peyre of long pekyd schon hosyn enclosyd • of þe most costyous cloth • of Crenseyn’ þus a bey to a jentylman • to make comparycion With two dosyn poyntys of cheverelle • þe Aglottys of syluer feyn’. A shert of feyn holond • but care not for þe payment A stomachere of clere reynes • þe best may be bowth Þow poverte be chef • lete pride þer be present And ałł þo þat repreff pride, þou sette hem at nowth. Cadace • wolle • or flokkys • where it may be sowth To stuffe with-al þi dobbelet, and make þe of proporcyon Two smale legges • And a gret body • þow it ryme nowth ȝet loke þat þou desyre • to An þe newe faccion. A gowne of thre ȝerdys loke þou make comparison' Vn-to ałł degrees dayly •þat passe þin astat A purse with-outyn mony • a daggere for devoscyon’ And þere repref is of synne • loke þu make debate With syde lokkys I schrewe þin here • to þi coloere hangyng down’ to herebrowe qweke bestys þat tekele men onyth [p. 228] An hey smal bonet • for curyng of þe crowne And ałł beggerys and pore pepyłł • haue hem on dyspyte ... A beggerys dowtere to make gret purvyauns To cownterfete a jentyl woman’ [...] Here colere splayed • and furryd with Ermyn calabere or satan’ A seyn to selle lechory • to hem þat wyl bey And þei þat wyl not by it, yet i-now xal þei han’ And telle hem it is for love • she may it not deney. Biblical/Hagiographic, Drama, Poetic. (dating uncertain). MED citations compared against and extended using the EETS edition (ES 120, 1920): Ludus Coventriæ, or the Plaie called Corpus Christi, Cotton MS. Vespasian D. VIII, ed. K. S. Block, EETS ES 120 (London, New York, Toronto: Oxford UP, 1922), ‘Prologue of the Demon’, pp. 225-9. [MED Ludus C. ((Vsp D.8) 227-228) ante 1475]
AF, Ir, L, ME, MdE, OScots, W.
Sex: N/A    Use: n/a    Ceremonial: No
Body Parts:
2(n.) ; braid or ribbon for decoration. The Oxford English Dictionary provides an attestation from 1580 as the earliest English use of the term for this sense.(circa 1350 - circa 1750)
1. Os o brudd y’m gwarthruddiawdd / Yngod, cyfadnabod cawdd, / Asur a chadas gasul, / Eisiau gwin ar ei min mul. [GPC GDG (341, 28, 53-56) circa 1350]
2. Fy lle’n y neuadd sy’n gyfaddas, / fy ngwely gwedy’i doi o gadas, / fy euro â chloth-of-Aras a wnâi, / fy nhai yw ei dai, nai Eneas Historic, Poetic. [GPC GLGC (123. 53. 21-4) circa 1445/1485]
Ceremonial: No
Body Parts:

    Etymological Evidence:

Definite, AF, derived from Old French cadaz, cadas (silk tow). Also cf. French cadis (15th century?), 'sorte de serge de laine, de bas pris' (Littré; see OED, 2nd ed., 1989). Appears in British L usage ('catasse') in the Close Rolls associated with 1380.
Etym Cog: