< University of Manchester, Lexis of Cloth & Clothing Project, Search Result For: 'peripetasma'

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Searchable Lemmata: peripetasma (L).
Alternate Forms: peripetasma, peritatisma.

    Definitions and Defining Citations:

1(n.) Textile; cloth covering, particularly for vestments or ecclesiastical vessels; curtain or hanging.(ante 1100 - ante 1250 ?)
1. Peripetasma i paratura uel ornamentum alicuius rei quod in circuitu ponitur uestimento uel uasorum adiectio uasorum hoc est sinaltum . [DOE AntGl 7 (Kindschi) (0195 (195))]
2. Peripetasma, limb[us] : stefning. [DOE AntGl 6 (Kindschi) (0828 (830))]
3. peripetasma: cortina, anabatrum, auleum, velum Gloss. [DMLBS OSB. GLOUC. (Deriv. 466) circa 1150/1175]
L; Primarily Gloss.
Sex: N/A    Ceremonial: No
Body Parts:

    Etymological Evidence:

Definite, Classical Latin borrowing of Greek περιπέτασμα.
WF: Borrowed into the British Isles
Etym Cog: