Searchable Lemmata: bedding (OE), bedding (ME), bedding (OScots), bedding (MdE).
Alternate Forms: beddyng, beddynge.
bedding, bedclothes; anything used to make up a bed. Also, a bed; a place where a bed is to be made; lodging.(ante 1000 still in current use)
2. Þa woldon ða preostas him wurðlice beddian, and bæron micel streaw to his beddinga, and þæs fyres ne gymdon þe on þære flora wæs.
[DOE ÆLS (Martin) (0206 (848))]
3. Stramenta autem lectorum sufficiant matta et sagum lena et capitulæ bedreaf bedda genihtsumiað & hwitel & wesline & heafudrægel.
[DOE BenRGl (0491 (55.93.2))]
4. & þonne hie restað, þonne restað hie buton bedde & bolstre, ac on <wildeora> fellum heora bedding bið.
[DOE Alex (0291 (39.6))]
6. And þere were boun at his bode burnez innoȝe,
Þat broȝt hym to a bryȝt boure, þer beddyng watz noble,
Of cortynes of clene sylk wyth cler golde hemmez,
And couertorez ful curious with comlych panez
Of bryȝt blaunner aboue, enbrawded bisydez,
Rudelez rennande on ropez, red golde ryngez,
Tapitez tyȝt to þe woȝe of tuly and tars,
And vnder fete, on þe flet, of folȝande sute.
[865] Þat sete on hyn [read: hym] semly, wyth saylande skyrtez
Arthurian, Heroic, Poetic, Romance.
[MED Gawain ((Nero A.10) 852-865) circa 1400]
Sex: Male, Female, Infant Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: N/A.