< University of Manchester, Lexis of Cloth & Clothing Project, Search Result For: 'calamaucus'

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Searchable Lemmata: calamaucus (L).
Alternate Forms:

    Definitions and Defining Citations:

1(n.) Headgear; headgear; cap or hat; ine instance (glosssed by OE hacele) possibly a hooded cloak(ante 900 - circa 1440)
1. Calomachus haet. Gloss. [DOE CorpGl 2 (Hessels) (1323 (3.124))]
2. Calones serui militum custodes equorum ł ignium ł genus nauiculae. Callos montes. Calomacus capitium. Gloss. [DOE HlGl (Oliphant) (0365 (C72))]
3. Calamuca hacule Gloss. [DOE HlGl (Oliphant) (0400 (C146))]
4. chyldys cape, calamatum Gloss. [DMLBS PP (calamatum) circa 1440]
5. calomaucus het Gloss. [DOE LdGl (0614 (47.7)) circa 800]
L, OE.
Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: Head.

    Etymological Evidence:

Definite, Cf. Greek καλυμαύκιον.
Etym Cog: