Searchable Lemmata: chlamys (L).
Alternate Forms: chlamydae.
overgarment or cloak, sometimes a garment of high status; 'Greek word ... denoting the military cloak adopted by the Romans' and used sparingly in the English Royal Wardrobe accounts for ceremonial garments [Newton, S.M. (1980), 44].(ante 1100 - circa 1405)
Sex: Male, Female Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: Back, Chest, Shoulder(s).
the purple garment worn by Christ during the passion.(ante 1100)
2. et exuentes eum clamidem et induerunt eum tunicam purpuream clamydem coccineam circumdederunt ei & gearwende hine mið hrægle & gwedon hine tunuc felleread windende beg ymsaldon him.
[DOE MtGl (Li) (1013 (27.28))]
3. et exuentes eum clamydem coccineam circumdederunt ei et plectentes coronam de spinis posuerunt super caput eius et genu flexo ante eum inludebant dicentes have rex postquam inluserunt ei exuerunt eum clamydem et induerunt eum vestimentis eius
[DOE Biblia Sacra (Fischer, et al.) (Mt 27,28)]
Sex: Male Ceremonial: No
Body Parts:
1c(n.) ;
Eastern vestment.(ante 1100)
1. Chlamys est qui ex una parte induitur, neque consuitur, sed fibula infrenatur. Hinc et Graece nomen accepit.
[DOE ISID. Etym. (19,24,2)]
Ceremonial: No
Body Parts:
Definite, Classical Latin, from Greek χλαμύς.
WF: Borrowed into the British Isles
Etym Cog: χλαμΰς.