< University of Manchester, Lexis of Cloth & Clothing Project, Search Result For: 'gold'

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Searchable Lemmata: gold (ME), gold (OScots), gold (MdE).
Alternate Forms: golde.

    Definitions and Defining Citations:

1a(n.) Raw Material; yellow precious metal. In cloth and clothing contexts, something having the colour of gold or made partly of gold. In heraldry, the tincture gold or yellow in bearings.(circa 700 still in current use)
1. Gentile men vsede here rynges of gold and of siluer on þe fourþe fynger [MED Trev.Higd. ((StJ-C H.1) 2.313) ante 1387]
2. He schal be gered ful gaye in gounes of porpre, And a coler of cler golde clos vmbe his þrote; He schal be prymate ... of pure clergye Poetic, Vision. (work: c1380?) [MED Cleanness ((Nero A.10) 1569) circa 1400]
3. Upon the tresses of Richesse Was sette a cercle ... Of brend gold, that full lyghte shoon Poetic, Romance, Vision. (work: a1400?) [MED RRose ((Htrn 409) 1109) ante 1425]
4. [158] ... Item, to Jane Greyndor his wyf ... a Bracelet of Gold. ... A gown of Rede damask, furred with marteyns ... [159] ... Item I woll that my hewke of silver be sold and do for my sowle Wills. [MED Will Dixton in BGAS 11 (158-159) 1438]
c.f.: or
ME, MdE, OE, OScots; Primarily N/A.
Sex: N/A    Use: n/a    Status: High    Rank: High    Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: N/A.
1b1(n.) Raw Material; gold thread. Also, something embroidered or brocaded with gold thread or gold wire (cf. gold wire).(ante 1250 - circa 1450)
1. All þatt wæde þatt tær wass Uppo þe bære fundenn, All wass itt off þe bettste pall ... & all itt wass wundenn wiþþ gold & sett wiþþ deore staness(dating uncertain) [MED Orm. ((Jun 1) 8171-8173) circa 1200]
2. Abowte hure myddel a seynt sche sou3t .. .Off silk and gold wounden in pal Biblical/Hagiographic. (work: c1300) [MED Assump.Virg.(1) ((Add 10036) 795) ante 1425]
3. A lytill cofir with relekys. Also a cloth of gold cald a fertour, þe champ red. Also anothire fertour of cloth of gold, champ blu. ... A white vestement of o sewte with briddes & grefons of gold ... a red vestement of satyn with lyons of gold of o sevte ... a hole vestement of blu veluet with sterres & mones of golde Accounts. (citations from individual page of text may not appear in original order) [MED Rec.St.Mary at Hill (26) 1432]
4. [13] ... Item, ij Redells of Rede Sylk wt rays to the saide auter ... F'yrst a sute of Blew imbroudyd with gold with Antlopp & byrdes of gold, the orffrayes with crownys and sterres of gold ... a cope of Rede Sylk with the grond with white flowers & skalabes of gold ... [14] ... Orfrayes of grene welwet with buddys of gold pouder & blak & rede ... A sute of white damask clothe ... wt a hole corporas of the same ... Item, a frontell of blew & grene baudkyn ... to heng under ye same frontell wt a reredose of yesame to henth abow the Auteer wt a crucifyx Accounts. (citations from individual page of text may not appear in original order) [MED Acc.St.Mary Thame in BBOAJ 12 (13-14) 1448]
; Primarily N/A.
Sex: N/A    Use: n/a    Status: n/a    Rank: n/a    Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: N/A.
1b2(n.) Textile; cloth made with gold thread; cloth of gold; something made of cloth of gold (a cloth of gold garment, etc.).(ante 1375 still in current use)
1. Þe messageres ri3t realy were arayde al in glimerand gold, greþand to ri3tes Heroic, Poetic, Romance. [MED WPal. ((KC 13) 1427) ante 1375]
2. She was al clad in perree and in gold Poetic. [MED Chaucer CT.Mk. ((Manly-Rickert) B.3495) circa 1375]
3. [2358] ... Hit is my wede þat þou werez, þat ilke wouen girdel ... [2395] ... I gif þe, sir, þe gurdel þat is golde-hemmed Arthurian, Poetic, Romance. [MED Gawain ((Nero A.10) 2358-2395) circa 1400]
4. A lytill cofir with relekys. Also a cloth of gold cald a fertour, þe champ red. Also anothire fertour of cloth of gold, champ blu. ... A white vestement of o sewte with briddes & grefons of gold ... a red vestement of satyn with lyons of gold of o sevte ... a hole vestement of blu veluet with sterres & mones of golde Accounts. [MED Rec.St.Mary at Hill (26) 1432]
5. [4149] ... My ryht hand arayid ... Wyth a precyous beyl of gold hath he ... [4157] ... He ... clad me in a mantel of gold-woue werk Biblical/Hagiographic. [MED Bokenham Sts. ((Arun 327) 4149-4157) 1447]
6. [149] ... A rede chesyble with a patyble stool and fanol of the same sute ... One chesyple of gold, poudred of yelowe and blue ... A nother coope of dyuers workes of yelowe and braunche with a tuft of blue and grene silke be hynd ... [150] ... A cope of grene bawdakyn with Red Orffrai ... Item, the veyl, other wyse called the lent cloth, of whyte lynen cloth with a cross of blue, and the lyne thereto ... The apparail ... longyng to Seynt Margaret is auter, with hyr figur steyned ... and ij bosces of copper and ouer gylt Accounts. (citations from individual page of text may not appear in original order) [MED Acc.St.Ewen in BGAS 15 (149-150) 1454/1455]
ME, MdE, OScots; Primarily Romance.
Sex: Male, Female, Infant    Use: n/a    Status: High    Rank: High    Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: N/A.
2(adj.) Other; of gold; made of gold. Cf. gold damask, gold faw, gold foil, gold leaf, gold poudre, gold wire, etc. Also: having the colour of gold; golden or yellow (including heraldic tincture).(ante 1300 ? still in current use)
1. [587] ... His gold sporez spend with pryde / Gurde wyth a bront ful sure With silk sayn vmbe his syde ... [591] ... When he watz hasped in armes, his harnays watz ryche; Þe lest lachet ouer loupe lemed of golde Arthurian, Poetic, Romance. (work: c1390?) [MED Gawain ((Nero A.10) 587-591) circa 1400]
2. Hir clokys also wer daggyd & leyd wyth dyuers colowrs be-twen þe daggys þat it schuld be þe mor staryng to mennys sygth ... Sche weryd gold pypys on hir hevyd Vision. [MED MKempe A ((Add 61823) 9/5-16) ante 1438]
c.f.: golden
ME, MdE, OScots; Primarily N/A.
Sex: N/A    Use: n/a    Status: n/a    Rank: n/a    Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: N/A.

    Etymological Evidence:

Definite, OE / Common Germanic.
Etym Cog: