< University of Manchester, Lexis of Cloth & Clothing Project, Search Result For: 'hauberk'

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Searchable Lemmata: hauberc (AF), haubercus (L), hauberk (ME), hauberk (OScots), hauberk (MdE).
Alternate Forms: haberc, halberc, halsberc, haubek, haubeke, hauber, hauberch, hauberg, hauberge, hauberk, haubert, haubrek, haubreke, hoberc, hosberc, huiberc, alberc, auberc, auberk, aubert, oberc, osberc, hauberc, haubrek, haubrekce, haubark, haubrak, haubirk, haubrik, hauberg, haubergh, haubert, auberk, auberc, haberk, heiberk, hamberk, hambark, halbers, haubers, hosbers, haubergk, haubryke, heuberquis.

    Definitions and Defining Citations:

1a(n.) Armour; coat of mail; also a coat of mail reinforced with plates; plate armour; a mail shirt (common by the eleventh century and continuing in use until the end of the fourteenth; by the twelfth century it covered the arms and the backs of the hands). Sometimes used for habergeoun. Also used with reference to serjeanty (DMLBS Fees 197; LTRMem 105 m. 27).(ante 1190 still in current use)
1. xxx s. pro j hauberco et j haubergello Accounts. [DMLBS Pipe (42) 1196]
2. un homme ... ke ad un heaume et un hauberch e une espee en sa meyn [AND Lapid (285.lxv) circa 1100/1300]
3. Une coupe sur l'escu par grant vertu l'ad donee, Ne luy garoit halberc ne aketon stoffee Historic, Poetic, Romance. [AND Dest Rome (856) circa 1200/1240]
4. E aveient cheveus ausi come de femmes, E haubeks cum de fer, clers cume gemmes Biblical/Hagiographic, Poetic. [AND Apoc (1653) circa 1250/1300]
5. [2050] ... And next his sherte an aketoun, And ouer that an haubergeoun ... And ouer that a fyn hauberk ... Ful strong it was of plate, And ouer that his cote armour ... [2065] ... Hise iambeux were of quyrboily [vrr. quyrboilly, quirboile, quereboly, quyrbuly], His swerdes shethe of yuory ... [2067] ... His helm of latoun bright. Poetic, Romance. [MED Chaucer CT.Th. ((Manly-Rickert) B.2050-2067) circa 1390]
6. [10025] ... Hym self was armed fynly wel / Wyþ sabatons, & spores, & iaumbers of stel / Dublet & quysseux wiþ poleyns ful riche / Voydes, breche of maille, wyþ paunz non liche ... [10029] ... Hauberk wiþ plates yburnuscht ful wel / Vaumbras & rerbras, wyþ coters of stel / Þer-opon an aketon wiþ stof & al sylk, His cote of armes þer-on ... [10040] ... An helm he had on his hed / A riche corounal wiþ perre, al of brent golde / Þe nasel & bendeles of gold ful bryght, ... Heroic, Historic. (work: a1338) [MED Mannyng Chron.Pt.1 ((Lamb 131) 10025-10043) ante 1450]
AF, L, ME, MdE, OScots; Primarily N/A.
Sex: Male    Use: Military    Status: n/a    Rank: n/a    Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: Back, Chest.
1b(n.) Armour; used figuratively: armour of the Christian soldier; used to describe the 'breastplate' of righteousness; also, hauberk of penance ['hauberk of penonce', 1340); hauberk of right ('hauberk of ryȜt', c1350)].(ante 1250 - ante 1450 ?)
1. Il erent armé lorica justicie, del hauberc de justice, galea salutis, del healme de saluz Biblical/Hagiographic. the 'breastplate of righteousness' [AND Joshua (i 11) circa 1200/1250]
2. Nou hest þou yherd þe þri þinges þet heleþ þet hauberk [Vices & V.(2): haberioun] of penonce. [MED Ayenb. ((Arun 57) 180/13) 1340]
Sex: Male, Female    Use: Ecclesiastical    Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: N/A.
1c(n.) Garment; hair shirt?; chain mail worn over a hair shirt (as an act of penance).(1200 - 1300 ?)
1. Il erent armé lorica justicie, del hauberc de justice, galea salutis, del healme de saluz Biblical/Hagiographic. [AND Joshua (i 11) circa 1200/1250]
2. [1597] ... Puisqe le seint cors Richard dreit A laver e a vestir porté esteit, E fu sa char trestute nue, Ke de heyre e hauberc corumpue, E par divers nuz ke fu penee, Dunt plein de vessies esteit turnee ... [1604] ... e esteit entre la blanchisur de sa char purprine culur Biblical/Hagiographic, Heroic, Historic. [AND S Rich ANTS (1597-1604) circa 1270]
3. Le ordre entra de Frere Menurs E vesqui plusurs aunz e jurs En penaunce aspre e dure: Hauberk porta desuz sa vesture, La char daunta de tele duresce E la myst en graunt destresce Biblical/Hagiographic. [AND S Fran ANTS (1616) circa 1275]
4. Þe moder werede þe strongue here, for ore louerdes loue, Fram þe scholdre to þe hele, and on haubark [Hrl: & harde hauberk] þare-a-boue. Biblical/Hagiographic. [MED SLeg.Edm.Abp. ((LdMisc 108) 32) circa 1300]
5. Clothe yow ... in herte of misericorde, [etc.] ... and swich manere of clothynge of which Iesu Crist is moore apayed than of heyres or haubergeouns or hauberkes Poetic. [MED Chaucer CT.Pars. ((Manly-Rickert) I.1054) circa 1390]
ME; Primarily Biblical/Hagiographic.
Sex: Male    Use: Ecclesiastical    Status: n/a    Rank: n/a    Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: Back, Chest.
2(n.) Personal Name; appears as a surname ('Willelmum Hauberge', 1230; 'Willelmus Hauberge', 1319).(circa 1230 - circa 1319 ?)
Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: N/A.

    Etymological Evidence:

Definite, Old French hauberc, -berg, -bert, auberc, from Germanic. Also cf. OE halsbearh, healsberga and medieval L halsberga.
Etym Cog: healsbeorh (OE).