< University of Manchester, Lexis of Cloth & Clothing Project, Search Result For: 'inauris'

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, in + auris.
Searchable Lemmata: inauris (L), inaures (AN).
Alternate Forms: [plural:] inaures (AF).

    Definitions and Defining Citations:

1a(n.) Jewellery; earring.(ante 700 - ante 1215)
1. Inaures ab aurium foraminibus nuncupatae, quibus pretiosa grana lapidum dependent. Harum usus in Graecia: puellae utraque aure, pueri tantum [modo] dextra gerebant. [DOE ISID. Etym. (19,31,10) ante 700]
2. Inaures earpreonas ł earhringas. Gloss. [DOE AntGl 2 (Kindschi) (0118 (118))]
3. inauris aurea gylden earspinl. Gloss. [DOE OccGl 49 (Zupitza) (0967 (25.12))]
4. dedit servus Abrahe ... Rebecce inaures aureas et armillas [cf. Gen. xxiv 22]. ... murenule et inaures unum sunt. sunt autem ornamenta aurium sicut armillae sunt ornamenta brachiorum [DMLBS AILR. (Serm. 8 255A) ante 1166]
5. ornamenta pedes [femine] nova ... poscunt, / auris inaures, colla monalia, brachia torques Poetic. [DMLBS D. Bec. (2244) circa 1180]
6. habeat etiam torques et inaures [gl.: ornamenta aurium, aneus et enorailles, anel de or] Gloss. [DMLBS NECKAM (Ut. 101c) ante 1217]
7. 'Jeo pris de ma male orfreis et tressurs, Inaures et bracers de divers colurs'. [AND Genèse (247) circa 1250/1350]
AF, L.
Sex: N/A    Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: Head.

    Etymological Evidence:

Definite, Late L, from Classical L (plural form only).
Etym Cog: