< University of Manchester, Lexis of Cloth & Clothing Project, Search Result For: 'linseed'

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, lin + sæd.
Searchable Lemmata: linsæd (OE), lin-sed (ME), linseed (MdE).
Alternate Forms: linsed, lyneseed, lynne-seede, lynseed, lynsede.

    Definitions and Defining Citations:

1(n.) Raw Material; the seed of the flax plant. Often the term is used to refer to linseed oil, used for medicinal purposes. However, in a West-Saxon copy of the Laws, the time of sowing is described.(ante 1000 still in current use)
1. Elimos i lini semen : linsæd. [DOE BrGl 1 (Wright-Wülcker) (05684 (8.214))]
2. On længtene eregian & impian, beana sawan, wingeard settan, dician, deorhege heawan & raðe æfter ðam, gif hit mot gewiderian, mederan settan, linsed sawan, wadsæd eac swa, wyrtun plantian & fela ðinga; ic eal geteallan ne mæig, þæt god scirman bycgan sceal. [DOE LawGer (0017 (12)) circa 1000/1100]
3. Now lynseed [vr. lynneseede; L lini semen], yf the liketh, may be sowe. Philosophy. [MED Palladius ((DukeH d.2) 11.15) circa 1440]
ME, MdE, OE.
Sex: N/A    Ceremonial: No
Body Parts:
1a(n.) Utilisation; linseed oil, used for medicinal purposes.(ante 1000 still in current use)
1. Wiþ æghwylce gegaderunga þe on þam lichoman acenned beoð genim þas ylcan wyrte, seoð mid wyllecærsan & mid linsæde & mid melwe, lege to þam sare. [DOE Lch I (Herb) (0458 (39.2))]
Sex: Male, Female    Ceremonial: No
Body Parts:

    Etymological Evidence:

Definite, compound of OE lin 'flax' (see entry at line 1) + sæd 'seed'.
WF: Compound
Etym Cog: