Searchable Lemmata: lorica (L), llurug (W), lúirech (Ir).
Alternate Forms: lorice, loricam, louric', lourice, loricas, loricae, loricis, lurica, llurig.
protective garment for the upper body; described as being made of various materials, including mail or leather, sometimes distinguished from a hauberk; also (fig.?), used with reference to the tenure of a knight's service or serjeantry. [Isidore adds other materials for lorica.](circa 700 still in current use)
1. De loricis. Lorica vocata eo quod loris careat; solis enim circulis ferreis contexta est. Squama est lorica ferrea ex lamminis ferreis aut aereis concatenata in modum squamae piscis, et ex ipso splendore squanarum et similitudine nuncupata. De ciliciis autem et poliuntur loricae et teguntur.
[DOE ISID. Etym. (19,13,1-2)]
4. [2] ... telam ... oppositis lanceole jactibus et alterius calamistre ictibus texere ... [4] ... accidit ... quemdam militem ... per mediam coxam, cum panno lorice ac ocreali ferro utrinque vestitam, sagitta percussum esse
[DMLBS GIR. (IK I 2-4) circa 1191]
5. Ac yna y hurdaud ermin ef yn varchaug ac y guisgaud arueu ymdanau nyt amgen actwn da dilis ysgafyn, a lluruc duy dyplic yr hon ny fuyssei dec arugein o funei y wlat. ac nyt oed araf a allei argyued y vn o hynny truy y lluruc. ac ar vchaf hynny quire diogel , a chynsallt hossaneu lluryc a chrimogeu am y draet ay ysgeired ac ar warthaf hynny ysparduneu eureit. am y ben y dodet penguch burkwin a ffaylet. ac ar warthaf hynny helym eureit echdywynnedic. a guedy hynny y rodes y brenhin cledyf idaw ac y gwisgaud amdanaw.
[GPC YBH (9. col. 17 535 -49a) circa 1250]
6. loron Grece, corigia Latine, et inde dicitur hec lorica, lorice propter corigias habundantes, quia anuli intexti sunt ad modum corigiarum
[DMLBS HALES (Exoticon 308)]
7. ef a welei y gwr teckaf or a welsei eiryoet ... a gwas ieuanc geyr y vronn yn daly gwasgwynvarch yn y law. ac yn y ymyl ydoed gwaew a tharian a lluric a chrimogeu heyrn
[GPC HMSS (i 223. 34-8) circa 1350]
Sex: Male Use: Military Status: n/a Rank: n/a Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: Back, Chest.
penitential garment, presumably shaped like a hauberk, cuirass or similar. Also fig.(ante 1150 - circa 1350)
2. [34] ... R. comes Cestrie ... edificavit ... abbaciam de Deulecres albi ordinis ... [35 p. 214] ... cilicio et lorica [TREVISA: an haubereoun] jugiter usa in carne contra carnem militavit
[DMLBS HIGD. (VII 34-35 p. 214) 1352/1365]
Sex: Male, Female Use: n/a Status: n/a Rank: n/a Ceremonial: Yes
Body Parts: Back, Chest.
figurative breastplate (protection, defence, God as; a prayer or charm uttered as protection); also, 'lorica fidei' (748), 'lorica justitiae' [from I Thess. v. 8 and Eph. vi.14, respectively].(ante 750)
Sex: N/A Use: n/a Status: n/a Rank: n/a Ceremonial: Yes
Body Parts: Chest.