Searchable Lemmata: ocrea (L), ocreus (L), ochra (Ir).
Alternate Forms: ocreae, ocreas, ocreis.
stockings, hose or leggings; leather boot or similar; also appears in surnames. The term still exists in English but only refers to a protective sheath around plant stalks [attested in the OED from the 1830, as in 'rostra fovent ocrearum', British Library, MS Harley 941, fols. 21v-23v (1450-1500), l. 142, transcribed by Richard Firth Green in 'Jack Philipot, John of Gaunt, and a Poem of 1380', Speculum 66 (1991), 331; s.v. OED, 2nd ed. (1989)]. Also, other various leather coverings or similar (not attested here), such as a leather bottle or cask; leather covering for parts of a harness; etc.(ante 800 - circa 1500)
7. bombacinia: aketun (vars. haketouns, purpoyns, purpoyntis) ... rubea: wayd, en brasil ... galeros: chapel de quir, heumis ... ocreas: heses, hoseus, chausis de fer, esses ... toraces: wambesouns (vars. gambaysuns, gambisum vel uardecors, wadesuns)
[AND TLL (ii 136) ante 1300]
Sex: Male Ceremonial: No
Body Parts:
greave or other defensive protection for the leg; also used figuratively.(ante 700 - ante 1450)
3. Ocreae tibialia calciamenta sunt, dicta quod crura tegant. Coturni sunt quibus calciabantur tragoedi, qui in theatro dicturi erant et alta intonantique voce carmina cantaturi. Est enim calciamentum in modum crepidarum, quod heroes utebantur; sed tale est ut et in dextro et in laevo conveniat pede.
[DOE ISID. Etym. (19,34,5)]
Sex: Male Use: Military Status: n/a Rank: n/a Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: Leg.