< University of Manchester, Lexis of Cloth & Clothing Project, Search Result For: 'pencel'

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Searchable Lemmata: penoncel (AF), pencel (ME).
Alternate Forms: pencelle, pencels, penecol, penecoll, pensel, penseles, penselis, pensiles, pinsel.

    Definitions and Defining Citations:

1(n.) Accessory; small banner, pennon or streamer. Used also to refer to the visible token of fabric or similar given by a lady and worn by a knight (cf. citation 3 below).(circa 1300 still in current use)
1. deux baners et penouns et pencels Historic. [AND Anon Chr (144.35) 1382/1399]
2. Thei sente to hem ... many a knyȜt ... With many a louely fair pensel Off gold, Of Inde, of fair sandel. Historic, Romance. [MED Ld.Troy ((LdMisc 595) 14391) circa 1400]
3. [5.812] ... Hire heres clere ... with a thred of gold she wolde bynde ... [5.1043] ... She made hym were a pencel of hire sleve Heroic, Poetic, Romance. (work: c1385. As worn as a love token) [MED Chaucer TC ((Benson-Robinson) 5.812-1043) ante 1425]
AF, ME, MdE.
Sex: Male    Use: n/a    Ceremonial: Yes
Body Parts: N/A.

    Etymological Evidence:

Definite, a reduced form of Old French/Anglo-French pennoncel (q.v.).
WF: Derivation
Etym Cog: