< University of Manchester, Lexis of Cloth & Clothing Project, Search Result For: 'tippet'

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Searchable Lemmata: tippet (ME), tipetum (L), tippet (OScots), tippet (MdE).
Alternate Forms: tapet, tepet, tipat, tipet, tipete, tipeth, tipette, tipitte, typpett, typitte.

    Definitions and Defining Citations:

1a(n.) Accessory; long, narrow ornamental piece of cloth formed from or attached to the sleeve-end; 'A long narrow appendage to a woman's sleeve' [Netherton, R. (2005)]; may be some overlap with the following sense.(circa 1300 still in current use)
1. Yf þy nose þou clense ... Loke þy honde þou clense as wythe-alle, Priuely with skyrt do hit away, Oþer ellis thurghe thi tepet þat is so gay [MED Bk.Courtesy ((Sln 1986) 92) ante 1475]
ME; Primarily Other.
Sex: Male, Female    Use: Secular    Ceremonial: No
Body Parts:
1b(n.) Accessory; long, narrow ornamental piece of cloth formed from or worn as a piece of the hood; a streamer or tail on a hood; the cornet of the chaperon.(circa 1300 still in current use)
1. Biforn hire wolde he go With his tipet wounde aboute his heed Poetic. [MED Chaucer CT.Rv. ((Manly-Rickert) A.3953) circa 1390]
2. Typett [Win: Typette]: Liripipium Gloss. [MED PParv. ((Hrl 221) 494) 1440]
3. [68] ... They shall doo up on them longe blewe gownis, and it muste be purfild aboute with ermyn ... and a hood of the same purfiled aboute of the shappe as bacheleris of lawe hav, and the hoode muste be caste aboute his nek and the hood and the tipet pynnid to gedir ... [69] ... All the beddis ... bene thus arayed: a matras, a payre of blanketis, a payre of shetis ... Ther horsis schall be arayde in this wise: the sadill muste be blak [etc.]. [MED Knts.Bath in Archaeol.57 ((Mrg M 775) 68-69) ante 1486]
c.f.: liripipe
L, ME, MdE, OScots; Primarily N/A.
Sex: Male    Use: Secular    Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: Head, Neck, Shoulder(s).
2(n.) Accessory; armour (probably mail) protecting the chin, neck and shoulders.(ante 1400 - 1450 ?)
1. The Bischoppe gart hym with a spere Appon his tepet lighte Heroic, Poetic, Romance. [MED Siege Milan ((Add 31042) 960) circa 1450]
ME; Primarily Arthurian.
Sex: Male    Use: Military    Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: Head, Neck, Shoulder(s).
3(n.) Accessory; appears as a surname (not attested here).(circa 1294)
ME, MdE; Primarily Other.
Sex: Male, Female    Use: n/a    Status: n/a    Rank: n/a    Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: N/A.

    Etymological Evidence:

Speculative, Probably from the ME noun tip(pe), the 'tip' of something, (but cf. 15th century Old French tipet and Anglo L tipetum). The OED suggests there might also be a connection with OE tæpped, tæppet (a carpet or hanging) from L tapete, tapeta, tapetum (a carpet, tapestry, bed-cover, etc.), but phonology and sense are problematic (s.v. 'tippet, n.', OED, 2nd ed., 1989).
Etym Cog: