< University of Manchester, Lexis of Cloth & Clothing Project, Search Result For: 'gris'

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Searchable Lemmata: gris (AF), grisus (L), gris (ME), gris (MdE).
Alternate Forms: crisso, gray, greciuscriseam, greis, gres, grey, greyis, gri, grice, grise, grisea, grisei, griseis, griseo, griseos, griseus, grisi, grisia, grisiis, grisius, grisonis, grisonum, gristo, grys.

    Definitions and Defining Citations:

1a(n.) Raw Material; colour grey (as noun and as adjective). Cf. grey.(ante 1210 still in current use)
1. fratres Minores ... funiculis cincti, tunicis griseis ... utentes Historic. [DMLBS M. PAR. (Min. II 109) circa 1207]
2. Ainz ad vestu la haire grise, Poignante et aspre'the colour grey' - AND2; but also cf. senses 2a-b below [AND GOWER Mirour (18040) 1376/1379]
3. [50] ... Duas pelves parvas rotundas pro camera, sex qwysshyns de gaitez ... Item, lego Johannæ Escrik ... unum kirtell optimum, unum frende furratum cum grey ... [52] ... Unum baslardum et unum brasoure ornatum cum argento ... [53] ... Unum alb de gris fustiane. Wills. [MED]. May more properly belong to one of the senses below (citations from individual page of text may not appear in original order) [MED Will York in Sur.Soc.30 (50-53) 1433/1435]
4. [202] ... Golyon, garment: Gunella, gunellus ... [206] ... Gowne, garment: Toga, epitogium ... [209] ... Grey of colowre: Gresius, elbus, elbidus. Gloss. [MED PParv. ((Hrl 221) 202-209) 1440]
c.f.: grey
AF, L, ME.
Sex: N/A    Use: n/a    Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: N/A.
1b(adj.) Textile; natural or undyed (of cloth), of a greyish colour. In this sense or in the following, also appears in surnames (Gaufridus Grisatunica [DMLBS DICETO Abbr. Norm. 156]). M. L. Ryder notes that a substantive form (L grisia) referred to the name of a wool (meaning grey and brown) produced at Fountains Abbey in the mid-fifteenth century [Ryder, M L (1981), p. 24].(circa 1200 still in current use)
1. grisiis quas dicunt vestibus utens fucatos fugit pannorum colores Biblical/Hagiographic. [DMLBS Canon. G. Sempr. (62) circa 1201/1202]
2. misit ... rex bigam oneratam pannis laneis et griseis ... aptis ad fratres Minores vestiendum Historic. [DMLBS M. PAR. (Maj. V 275) circa 1252]
3. quod nullus ... faciet pannos persos nisi de lana alba et wayda et cineribus, et sine aliqua admixtione lane nigre seu grise lane [DMLBS Rec. Leic. (I 102) 1263]
4. per custumam xxiiij duodenarum panni grecii et albi Accounts. [DMLBS ExchScot (526) 1431]
L; Primarily Accounts.
Sex: N/A    Use: n/a    Status: n/a    Rank: n/a    Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: N/A.
2a(n.) Raw Material; grey fur, the blue-grey back of the red squirrel taken in winter (also used to describe the squirrel itself); an expensive fur, often used for linings. 'Gris' was often used in opposition to 'pured' (pured, puratus, etc.) fur and used to refer to the untrimmed fur of the squirrel, used for clothing, soft furnishings, lining, etc.; either as a mass noun or a count noun. It could also be used attributively as an adjective, meaning 'untrimmed', describing various sorts of fur (foins, for example). Elspeth Veale distinguishes different varieties in the European fur trade: gris fyn (or optimum gris), amys grey and christigrey (which may 'have been applied to early or late winter skins, and was possibly equivalent to browngrey'), Veale, E (1966), 228. Also cf. grey, greywork.(ante 1140 - post 1480 ?)
1. pro j pena grisia et ij pelliciis grisiis Accounts. [DMLBS Pipe (198b) 1177]
2. precepit ut quicquid de vario et grisio ... inventum fuerit venderetur et in usus pauperum partiretur Historic. [DMLBS GIR. (RG III 3) circa 1205]
3. Assez portums e ver e gris Heroic, Poetic, Romance. [AND Gui War (2918) circa 1210]
4. La timber de peus de cunnis et de gris, ou ver, est de xl peus(cf. the following) [AND Weights (12) circa 1253]
5. [memb. 1] ... in ... xxix furris grisii et grossi varii, xviij caparonibus grisii et grossi varii ... de pannis essayis gistell' Galebroun et Hybernie emptis Accounts. [DMLBS KR (Ac 352/10) 1287]
6. tymbra ... de pellibus cuniculorum et grisonum constat ex xl pellibus (cf. StRealm I 205: senellio ... de griso constat ex x pellibus) Other. [DMLBS Eng. Weights (10) ante 1308]
7. tenuit de nobis ... tenementum ... in Wynton' per servicium reddendi nobis per annum ... unum pellicium grisonis Accounts. [DMLBS Cl (129 m. 7) 1312]
8. [1314?] Md qe Gris et bis est le dos en yver desquirel, et la ventre en yver est menever ... [c1325] Polane est esquireux neirs ... Legal. (dating uncertain) [MED Court R.Lond. (92 fn.) circa 1314/1325]
9. I seigh his sleues ypurfiled at the hond With grys Poetic. [MED Chaucer CT.Prol. ((Manly-Rickert) A.193-4) circa 1387/1395]
10. toga de blodio cum pelle grisia Wills. [DMLBS Test. Ebor. (III 4) 1395]
11. [15.215] ... For I haue seyn hym in sylke and somme tyme in russet, Bothe in grey and in grys, and in gulte herneys ... [15.223] ... He walketh, Ycalled and ycrimiled [vrr. I-crymeled, y-crymyled, ycrymaylid, crymailed] and his crowne shaue Poetic, Vision. (work: c1378) [MED PPl.B ((LdMisc 581) 15.215-223) circa 1400]
12. Ciclatounes þat weren of prijs, Pelured wiþ Ermyne & wiþ grijs. Biblical/Hagiographic. [MED St.Alex.(3) ((LdMisc 622) 38/398) circa 1400]
13. A velwet mantill gay Pelured wiþ gris and gray Sche caste aboute her swire Heroic, Poetic, Romance. (work: ?c1350) [MED Libeaus ((Kaluza) 896) ante 1425/1500]
14. quod nullus studens vel scolaris utatur pellura de minutis variis seu de puro albo vel de puro griseo neque sindone seu tartarano aut serico in capicio suo nisi ... Other. [DMLBS StatOx (239) 1432]
15. episcopi, doctores et magistri in universitatibus, et domini de parliamento utebantur ... minuto vario, et albo, et griseo [DMLBS GASCOIGNE (Loci 202) ante 1485]
c.f.: grey, greywork
AF, L, ME, MdE; Primarily N/A.
Sex: N/A    Use: n/a    Status: n/a    Rank: n/a    Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: N/A.
References: Veale, E. (1966)
2b(adj.) Raw Material; by extension, of gris, of grey-coloured squirrel fur (cf. the noun above).(ante 1140 - circa 1230)
1. [6389] ... Le fiz H. le desfublat, ... Sur la biere culchent le rei ... [6395] ... E[n]seveliz fud d’un tiret Dunt W. de M. Le jur devant ert adubez; Ne fud fors un sul jur portez Le mantel gris [dunt il] ostat ... [6397] ... Ne fud fors un sul jur portez Le mantel gris ... Desur la piere estendu l’at Heroic, Historic. [AND GAIMAR (6389-6397) 1139]
2. pro ... iij penulis de russo grisio Accounts. [DMLBS Pipe (21) 1188]
3. mandatum est Willelmo scissori regis quod ... ad nundinas Sancti Edmundi ... ad opus regis emat unam robam de scarleto integram furratam de bissis ... et unam jupam de scarleto furratam de rubeo griso Accounts. [DMLBS Cl (4) 1231]
4. quoddam coopertorium cum russo grisio Accounts. [DMLBS Cl (26b) 1232]
c.f.: grey
AF, L.
Sex: N/A    Use: n/a    Status: n/a    Rank: n/a    Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: N/A.
3(n.) Raw Material; frequently used to describe a member of the Cistercian order from their undyed garments; a Cistercian ('grey') monk. Used to describe a Franciscan friar in a single attestation (DMLBS Mon. Francisc. I 595).(1154 - circa 1382)
1. monachi nigri ... nostris habent novos imitatores temporibus ... quos ... vel albos nominamus monachos vel grisos [DMLBS MAP NC (I 25 f. 17v.)]
2. abbates grisei sinodo quos Anglia misit / accusant regem sollicitantque Thomam Poetic. [DMLBS H. AVR. (Poems 27.63) circa 1219]
3. Mes il ne noume ne blanche ne neire, ne grise religion ne bise en soen ordre Ecclesiastic/Regula. [AND Ancren2 (167.27) circa 1250/1300]
4. Minores induerent pannum viliorem / et de corda cannabi induerent cinctorem ... inter fratres griseos sic est ordinatum Ecclesiastic/Regula, Poetic. (Contra regligiosos) (citations from individual page of text may not appear in original order) [DMLBS Mon. Francisc. (I 595) 1382]
AF, L; Primarily Ecclesiastic/Regula.
Sex: Male    Use: Ecclesiastical    Status: n/a    Rank: n/a    Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: N/A.

    Etymological Evidence:

Definite, Old French. Some ME forms show influence from grei (grey).
Etym Cog: