< University of Manchester, Lexis of Cloth & Clothing Project, Search Result For: 'diarchenad'

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Searchable Lemmata: diarchenad (W).
Alternate Forms: ddiarchenad, diarchenaid.

    Definitions and Defining Citations:

1(adj.) Garment; barefoot or unshod; also, lightly clad, uncovered or bare more generally (cf. the broader meanings of archenad).(circa 1450 - circa 1800 ?)
1. Mis Mai, difrodus geilwad, klyd pob klawdd i ddigarad; llawen hen diarchenad. Philosophy, Poetic. [GPC EWGP (39) post 1450]
Ceremonial: No
Body Parts:

    Etymological Evidence:

Definite, negative prefix di + archenad (q.v.) 'clothing, footwear'.
WF: Derivation
Etym Cog: