< University of Manchester, Lexis of Cloth & Clothing Project, Search Result For: 'gown'

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Searchable Lemmata: gune (AF), gunna (L), gunnum (L), gŵn (W), gown (W), gúna (Ir), goune (ME), goun (OScots), gown (MdE).
Alternate Forms: boun, bune, gon, goune, gowne, gwn, gunnum.

    Definitions and Defining Citations:

1a(n.) Garment; full length outer garment; long, free-flowing robe or similar, often created from heavy materials (may be some overlap with one or more of the specific senses below). The garment, was a fur or fur lined item for ecclesiatical use in the Anglo-Saxon period, and later medieval manifestations of the gown were often furred(ante 800 still in current use)
3. gunnam de pellibus lutrarum factam [DMLBS Ep. Bonif. (116) 764]
4. araid odhur ghlas imbe guna lan do chongaib 7 do chnamaib [eDIL RC (xliii 78.8)]
5. lego filio Thome M. meam gownam de scarlet cum furrura Legal, Wills. [DMLBS FormA (431) 1322]
6. A shipman ... He rood vpon a rouncy as he kouthe, In a gowne of faldyng to the knee. A daggere hangynge on a laas hadde he Aboute his nekke vnder his arm adoun ... Poetic. (cf. sense 1b) [MED Chaucer CT.Prol. ((Manly-Rickert) A.391-392) circa 1390]
7. [174] ... ad unum gounum de velvett rubro faciendum et operandum inbroud' cum velvett rubro faciendum et operandum inbroud' cum perlis, cum minever pur' purfil' cum ermyn pro regina ... [176] ... pannos ... adaratos(AcWardr) [DMLBS Arch. (LXVII 174-176) 1406]
8. [202] ... Golyon, garment: Gunella, gunellus ... [206] ... Gowne, garment: Toga, epitogium ... [209] ... Grey of colowre: Gresius, elbus, elbidus. Gloss. [MED PParv. ((Hrl 221) 202-209) 1440]
9. [470] ... ordeignez est & enactez par l’auctorite suisdit qe null maner person ... use a le dit feste ascune Robe appellé gowne ou manteau, sinon y soit de tiel longieur come celluy esteant tout droit covera sez privez membrez & crupez ou nagez ... [473] ... qe null person, hurer, capper ou autre quelconque aprés la dit feste de Pasqe mette ou cause d’estre misez ascuns hurez, bonettes ou cappez doublez ou senglez estre fullez ou condensez au ascun tiel molyn ... sur payn de forfair et perder lez lez huretz (var. lez hures) , bonettes et cappez Legal. [AND Stats (ii 470-473) 1483]
AF, L, ME, MdE, OScots, W.
Sex: Male, Female    Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: Back, Chest, Entire Body.
1b(n.) Garment; cloak or overcoat, worn to cover armour, outer clothes; riding cloak, seaman's cloak.(circa 1300 - circa 1400)
1. Un jour prist ces compaignons, e se armerent bien e pus vestirent lur gounes, come a mariners apentspecifically: a smock or seaman's coat [AND Fouke ANTS (57.5) circa 1300/1350]
2. [11] ... Pro j coverleto cum chapletz de viridi ... Pro j aula rubia de opere tapestre ... [12] ... j goune rubei pro equitatione ... Pro j kirtill de rubio mixto, fururato cum rubio pulayn ... [13] ... j frountour de blodio panno auri ... Pro j roba de blodio melled ... Pro j supertunica fururata de puleyn gray, cum capucio ... j pilch de scrank et bys de j tunica equitatura ... [14] ... Pro j hynger pro alta tabula, de panno lineo, cont. viij ulnas Wills. [MED Will York in Sur. Soc. 45 (11-14) 1400]
AF, L, ME, MdE, OScots.
Sex: Male, Female    Use: n/a    Status: n/a    Rank: n/a    Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: Entire Body.
1c(n.) Garment; robe worn for office, rank or to distinguish the wearer in some way; an academic gown, a nun's or monk's gown, the gown of a guild or a gown of office; a Roman toga.(circa 1150 still in current use)
1. Ne[.l] prendrei[e] a mari, Einz devendroie noune E veit[i]roie gounea nun's gown [AND Cor (532) circa 1150/1200]
2. ne clochis aut gunnis aliisve vestibus quibuscumque nisi tabbardis suis desuper in universitate ... utantur(may more properly belong to sense 1a above) [DMLBS Cant. Coll. Ox. (III 163) 1365]
3. Virgil clepeþ the Romayns togati; þat beeþ men i-cloþed in gownes. Þre manere gownes þey vsede and were i-hote, Pretextata, Palmata, Candidata. Historic. [MED Trev.Higd. ((StJ-C H.1) 1.243) ante 1387]
4. [129] ... They [vr. þere] went to schippe wessh of hem ... mo than xvij c of cote darmes by accountyng of heraudis ... [134] ... The craftes roode ayenst hem in white gounys, embroudered euery craft with diuerse poyses Historic. [MED Lond.Chron.Cleo. ((Cleo C.4) 129-134) circa 1450]
AF, L, ME, MdE, OScots; Primarily N/A.
Sex: Male, Female    Use: n/a    Status: n/a    Rank: n/a    Ceremonial: Yes
Body Parts: Entire Body.

    Etymological Evidence:

Definite, Old French gone, goune; and Medieval Latin gunna, gouna. The form gowna (gownam) first appears in a British Latin document from 1322, although bunna, from Late Latin, is attested in 8th-century British texts (referring to an outer garment of skins).
Etym Cog: