< University of Manchester, Lexis of Cloth & Clothing Project, Search Result For: 'ouche'

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Searchable Lemmata: nusche (AF), ouche (AF), nusca (L), nouche (ME), nwyts (W), nowche (OScots), uche (OScots), ouche (MdE).
Alternate Forms: noche, noich, nouche, nowche, nowches, nuch, nuche, nuesche, nuschia, nouchea, nuchia, nucheum, nouch', nouchis, nochiis, nusches, nwys, nuschiis, miscam, nuscam, oche, oiche, ouch, ouches, owches, uche, unche, vches.

    Definitions and Defining Citations:

1(n.) Jewellery; clasp, buckle, brooch, etc., for holding together the two sides of a garment; a bracelet, or earrings ornamented with gems; a necklace. Also, more generally, a gem, a precious ornament or setting for such. Most post seventeenth-century uses are in historical or poetic contexts.(circa 1150 - post 1450 still in current use)
1. La nosche est uns fermail tuertiz [AND Salemon (557) circa 1150]
2. Unkes nusche d'or preciuse Ne fud al rei si delituse Cume les mains al poverin, As queles sun col fud aclin Biblical/Hagiographic, Historic. (a clasped necklace) [AND S Edw1 (2385) circa 1170]
3. dedit ... unam *miscam [l. nuscam] auream gemmis pretiosis ornatam et unum [sic] cortinam [DMLBS Chr. Rams. (199) circa 900/1200]
4. Nusches d'or, bos d'or e anelez, Harpuns d'or, preciuses pieres Biblical/Hagiographic, Historic. [AND S Edm (3093) circa 1100/1200]
5. Nobile citoien en atur festival A robe d'or batue e nusches de aesmal Biblical/Hagiographic. [AND S Aub (20) circa 1235]
6. [One three-cornered fermail, called a] nuche [MED Doc.in Riley Mem.Lond. (124) 1317]
7. [A brooch of gold called] ouche [worked with pearls] Legal, Wills. [MED Will Court Hust. ((Gldh) 2.23) 1361]
8. Item do lego eidem unum nowche cum uno ruby in medio [DOST Misc. Bann. C. (II. 106) 1390]
9. Ther wol he most his bodi schewe, / His croket kembd and theron set a Nouche with a chapelet. Philosophy, Poetic. [MED Gower CA ((Frf 3) 5.7065-6) ante 1393]
10. Smaragdus is pris of alle grene stones ... men in olde tyme 3af þerto þe þridde dignitees and nowches [Mrg: dignite after margarites & nowches; L post margaritas et vniones] [MED *Trev.Barth. ((Add 27944) 205b/a) ante 1398]
11. quod corpus nostrum in velveto vel sathanae *blanio, more regio, vestiatur (Test. Regis) ... ordinamus quod de omnibus jocalibus nostris residuis, viz. circulis, nochiis et aliis jocalibus quisbuscunque, preficiatur nova fabrica navis ecclesie Accounts. (citations from individual page of text may not appear in original order) [DMLBS Foed. (VIII 76) 1399]
12. [PROME Item 110] ... nulle homme, s'il ne soit baneret, ou de greindre estate, use draps d'or, de velvet, draps de cremosyn, draps de velvet motle, grosses maunches pendantz overetz ne closes, ne nulle long gounes qe touche la terre, ne furrure d'ermyn, letuce, ne de martryn. ... Et qe nulle clerc use grosses chaparons furrez ne linez, qi passent les pointz de l'espaules, s'il ne soit ercevesqe, evesqe, ... et autres graundes officers, clercs esteantz en lour offices en les courtes du roy. ... Et qe nulle clerc use furrure de meniver, ne de pure, ne de grey, ne de byce; ne null manere de hernois endorrez, s'il ne \soit/ d'estate ou degree avauntditz: ne qe nulle clerc use purfaile d'ermyne, ne de letuce, s'il ne soit ercevesqe ou evesqe. Et qe nulle chapellein nient avancez use ceynture, ne baselard, n'autre hernoys, garnisez d'argent. Et qe nulle esquier apprentice de loy, ne clerc del chauncellarie ne de l'escheqer, ou des autres places de courte, ou deinz le tinel du roy, ou demurantz ovesqe autres seignours du roiaume nient avancez, use furrure de grey, cristegrey, menyver, ou byce, ne q'ils, ne nulle de eux, use perree ou perle, ouches ou bedes, ou autre hernoys d'or, ou dorrez quelconqe; mais qe bien lise as mairs de Loundres et d'Everwyk, [Column B] et d'autres bones villes enfraunchisez, ... de user furrure de grey, cristegrey, meniver, ou byce, a lour volunte. Et qe \nul/ vadlet appellez yoman use nulle furrure forsqe tant soulement d'aignelle, gopyll, ou [conyng.] Et qe nulle homme, de quelle condicioun q'il soit, use aucun goune ou autre vesture trenchez des peces, come des lettres, foiles, roses et autres diverses poisez et soleins divises, sur peine de forfaiture de mesmes les goune et vesture. Et qe nulle taillour face aucun tiel goune, ou autre vesture, sur peine d'emprisonement, et de faire fyn et raunceoun a la volunte du roy. Et qe nulle homme, de quelle condicioun q'il soit, use espees, baselardes, dagers, ceyntures ou cornes, hernoysez d'argent, s'il n'eit terres, tenementz ou rentz, a la value de xxli. par an, ou biens et chateux a la value de ccli. les emfantz des gentz eiantz terres, tenementz ou enheritance, a la value de .l. marcz par an, ou biens et chateux a la value de dli., tant soulement exceptz. Et en especiale, qe nulle vadlet appelle yoman use ouche, ou bedes d'or, ne dorrez. Et qe nulle femme d'ascun esquier, si ele ne soit dame, use nulle furrure d'ermyne, letuce, menyver ou pure de grey, forspris les femmes des ditz mairs, et les gentiles femmes du roigne, et la chief damoiselle de chescun princesse, duchesse ou countesse. ... Et si aucun persone ent soit duement atteint, soit il homme ou femme, q'il, ou ele, forface au roy les draps, furrures, hernoys et autres choses desuis nomes ... Legal. (citations from individual page of text may not appear in original order) [LexP PROME (Hen. IV: Parl. of March 1406, item 110) 1406]
13. [One necklace called] nowche [of silvergilt] Legal. [MED Plea & Mem.R.Lond.Gildh. (141) 1422]
14. ITEM [8] the king wt þe avyß of þe hail p[ar] liamēt has ſtatute and ordanit þat na man ſall weir clathis of ſilk na furring' of m’ trik' funȝeis puray na grece na nane oþ’ riche furring bot allan’ly knycht' and lord' of ijc m’k' at þe leſt of ȝerly rent ande þar eldeſt ſoñis 7 þar air' but ſpeciale leif of þe king aſskit 7 obtenit Ande at nane vthir weir broudry na perle na bulȝeoñe bot array þaī at þar awin liſt in all vthir honeſt aray as ſerpis belt' vches 7 chēȝeis 7 þt vnd’ þe payn of eſchet of þe aray to þe king to be takyn 7 raiſyt to quhā he cōmitt' power ITEM it is ſtatut þt na burges w’in burgħ duelland wer ony furring as befor is ſaide outan ald’mā balȝes 7 þe coñſal of þe touñ þe wif' to be arayit eft’ þe eſtat of þar huſband' vnd’ þe ſamyne payn forſaid to be raiſyt be ald’mā 7 balȝes Legal. form: vches (item 8); Sumptary Act of the Scottish Parliament, 1429 (James I; held at Perth, 6th March). [Conventions used: ſ, ß represent double S, s; 7 represents the Tironian 'et' symbol; lowercase p with a horizontal line crossing the descender expanded to par; looped, descending plural symbol (for -es, -is, etc.) represented by inverted comma; backwards rising hook mark (for -er, -ar, etc.) represented by inverted comma] [LexP Acts Parl. Scot. (II: 18-19, items 8-9) 1429]
15. Upon þe same coler are x owches, eche of hem wyth double flouers of gold garnysed. ... A pusan of gold calld þe rich coler conteynyng xvj culpons or peces, upon þe which are viij antelops garnysed wyth xxti grete peerles Legal. [MED Proc.Privy C. (4.251) 1434]
16. A nowche of gold ... with ij ymages of man and woman garnysshed with a ruby, a dyamaunt, and a gret perle [MED Paston (3.294) 1461]
c.f.: fermail, abece
AF, L, ME, MdE, OScots.
Sex: Male, Female    Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: N/A.

    Etymological Evidence:

Definite, Anglo-French/Old French nousche, noche, noische, nosce, nosche etc.), clasp, buckle, fibula, brooch. Germanic in origin, either from Frankish or from a neighbouring Germanic language into French; the exact form of this word is uncertain, but would have been *nuska or similar. Many modern forms show metanalysis (ouche, ouch, etc. from understanding 'a nouche' as 'an ouche'; cf. 'an adder' for 'a nadder'). Earliest British attestations according to the dictionaries: L, a1206; AF, c1170; ME, 1317;
WF: Borrowed into the British Isles
Etym Cog: