< University of Manchester, Lexis of Cloth & Clothing Project, Search Result For: 'tartarin'

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Searchable Lemmata: tartarin (AF), tartarinum (L), tartarin (ME), tartar (OScots), tartarin (MdE).
Alternate Forms: tartarine, tartarene, tarterin, tarterine, tarterein, tarteren, tarteron, tartarun, tartarne, tartirn, tartorne, tartrin, tartyn, tatterine, tartara, tartaranum, tartaro, tartareus, tartarinus, tartenus, tartaryn, tartarynes.

    Definitions and Defining Citations:

1(n.) Textile; silk, tabby-woven textile, a type of sendal, used, in particular, as lining in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. By the Middle Ages it was manufactured in Europe, particularly Italy, but its its name suggested it was imported from Tartary (China), which exotic association made it popular in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries [King, D. (1993)]. Monnas, L. (1989), 288, notes that 'Both taffata and tartaryn are described as striped with gold in the Great Wardrobe accounts [14th cent.], and the French royal accounts of 1319, describe tartaires with designs of gold animals'. She further suggests that 'the fact that tartaryn and tolozin are sometimes described as "changing" or shot [in the 14th-cent. English Wardrobe accounts], indicates that they ... were either wholly or partially woven in tabby'. Also appears in phrases such as 'linura de Tartron': 'tartarin, rich silk fabric' (Latham, p. 476, s.v. '2 tartar/a'; not attested in DMLBS).(ante 1319 - circa 1700 ?)
1. [4.14] ... [3] kurtyns [of paned red] sarsynet [and bluet] ... [A murrey tunic with 1] revers [of calaber worth 10 s.] ... [A] lynyng [of black sindon] ... [4.15] ... [A coverlet with a celure joined in one piece of blue] tartaryn [worth 53 s. 4 d.] ... [4.16] ... [8 sanaps and 10] wardenappes [worth 3 s. 7 d.] Accounts. [MED Inquis.Miscel.(PRO) (4.14-16) 1378]
2. Veilles parementz appertenantz al mistere: Item, ils ont delyvree a les avantditz gardeyns par eux esluz les veilles parementz pur lour auter, queux Sire William Hedyngdoun, le chapelein de la mercerye, lour delyvrera, c’est assavoir une chalice d’argent ové le patene [MS: ‘patene enorrez’, the latter word firmly scored out] poisent xvi ounces ii quarterons, pris xlii s. Item, une veille chesible ové les parures de tartaryn raié, une aube et une amyte et une towaille pur estre desuis l’autre, pris tout – viii s. Item, veille huch lié de ferre, pris – x s. Doune de Sire William Hedyngtoun, chapeleyn del mercerye: Item, ils ount delivrez as ditz novelles gardeyns par eux esluz les choses desoutz escriptz queux le dit Sire William Hedyngdoun lour delyvra auxy, et queux mesme Sire William ad dounee de sa bone volentee a la comunealtee de la mistere del mercerye, c’est assavoir une novelle lyvre appellee missale, pris x marcz. Item, une chesible de velvet rouge champ soie embraudé de esteilles d’or ové les parures, aube et amytes, pris – liii s. iii d. Accounts. [trans., p. 233:] Old ornaments belonging to the mistery: Item, they handed over to the aforesaid wardens elected by them the old ornaments for their altar which Sir William Hedyngton, chaplain of the mercers’ mistery, handed over to them, i.e. a silver chalice and paten, weighing 16¾ oz., value 42s. Item, an old chasuble of striped tartarin with its accoutrements, an alb and an amice and a cloth to go over the top of the altar, value of the whole – 8s. Item, an old chest bound with iron, value – 10s. Gift of Sir William Hedyngton, chaplain of the mercers’ mystery: Item, they handed over to the said new wardens elected by them the things written below which the said Sir William Hedyngton had also handed over to them, and which the same Sir William had of his goodwill given to the commonalty of the mercers’ mistery, i.e. a new book called a missal, value 10 marks. Item, a chasuble of red velvet with a silk ground, embroidered with golden stars, with the accoutrements, alb and amice, value – 53s. 4d. [LexP Mercers' Accounts (I.232) 1409/1410]
3. ij curteyns de tartaryn bleu et vermaille Accounts. [AND Reg Chich (ii 118) 1414/1443]
4. Lordes 3euen him ... clothes of gold & of Camakaas & tartarynes [F tartaires](dating uncertain; work: c1400) [MED Mandev.(1) ((Tit C.16) 168/27) ante 1425]
5. [5.359] ... Wer ther of golde any clothez founde, Of silke damaske or ryche tarteryne [vr. tartryn]? ... [5.389] ... Your quene ... Of no devyse enbroyded hath her wede, Ne furrede withe Ermyne ne with ... martren ne sable Biblical/Hagiographic, Poetic. [MED Lydg.LOL ((Dur-U Cosin V.2.16) 5.359-389) circa 1450]
c.f.: sendal
AF, L, ME, MdE, OScots.
Sex: N/A    Use: n/a    Status: High    Rank: High    Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: N/A.

    Etymological Evidence:

Definite, Old French tartarin (AF tartarin) and Anglo L tartarinum.
Etym Cog: cloth of Tartary (ME), linura de Tartron (L).