Searchable Lemmata: haubergeon (AF), haubergo (L), habersiwn (W), habergeoun (ME), aubirchoun (OScots), habergeon (MdE), haubergeon (MdE).
Alternate Forms: haubergonum, haubergonus, habergeon, habergeon, habergeoun, habergun.
armoured jacket, often sleeveless, typically worn under plate armour or similar; a hauberk. Also with reference to serjeanty.
Appears in the ME phrases 'mailed habergeoun' (maylid hawberioun; var. haburioun hokid/L lorica squamata).(ante 1230 still in current use)
2. Margeria de Ripariis tenet c s. terre in Sunewrth' [Hants] per serjantiam inveniendi j hominem cum j haberjone ... qui erit in servicio ... regis ... per xl dies
[DMLBS Fees (1419) 1248]
6. [2030] ... Depeynted ... Saugh I ... the sharpe swerd ouer his heed Hangynge by a subtil twynes threed ... Som wol ben armed in an haubergeoun [vrr. habergeon, haberioun, habirioun, haburgeon, haburgoun], And in a brestplate and in a light gypoun [vrr. gypon, Iopoun, Iepon, gippoun, grippoun]
Poetic, Romance.
[MED Chaucer CT.Kn. ((Manly-Rickert) A.2030-2120) circa 1385]
9. ITEM [10] it is ſtatut þt na ȝemā na common to landart' wer hewyt clathes ſiddar na þe kne na ȝit ragyt clathes bot allan’ly centynal ȝemen in lord' houſis at rid' wt gentill mē þar maſt’is þe quhilk' ſal haf narow ſlewis 7 litil pok' 7 ryt ſa þt þe cōmōis wif' ... wer nouþ’ lang taił na ſyde nekit hud' na pok' on þar ſlef' na coſtly curches as lawñ or rynß 7 all gēntill mēis wif' be not arayit excedand þe eſtate of þar huſband'
ITEM Be þe awyß of þe haill p[ar]liamēt it is ſtatute and ordanit þat ilk man þat may diſpende ȝerly xx liƀ or at has jc liƀ in movabil gud' þat he be wele horſit 7 haill enarmyt as a gēntill mā aucht to be And vþ’ ſympillar of x liƀ of rent or l liƀ in gud' haif hat gorgeat or peſañe with rerebraſar' vambraſar' 7 gluff' of plate breſt plat panß 7 legſplent' at þe leſt or bett’ gif him lik'
ITEM þt ilk ȝemañ þat is of xx liƀ in gud' haif a gude doublat of fence or ane habergeoñ ane yrn hat witħ bow and ſchefe ſuerde buklar 7 knyfe And all vþ’ ȝemeñ of x liƀ in gud' hif bow and ſchefe ſuerde and buklar and knyff And þe ȝemā þat is nane archer na can not deyll witħ a bow ſall haif a gude ſou’ hat for his hede 7 a doublat of fence witħ ſuerde 7 buklar 7 a gude ax or ell' a brogit ſtaff
[LexP Acts Parl. Scot. (II: 18-19, items 10-12) 1429]
10. ITEM it is ſtatute þat ilk burgeß hafand 1 liƀ in gud' ſalbe hail enarmyt as a gentil man aucht to be And at þe ȝemā of lawer degre ande burgeß of xx liƀ be bodyn witħ ſou’ hate 7 doublat habergeone ſuerd buklar bow ſchefe 7 knyfe Ande at he þat is na bowman haf a gude ax or wapyis of fens as is forſaide
[LexP Acts Parl. Scot. (II: 19, item 14) 1429]
Sex: Male Use: Military Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: Back, Chest.
used figuratively: defence, protection (spiritual); also in the ME phrase 'habergeoun of feith', etc.(ante 1382 - ante 1400 ?)
Sex: Male, Female Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: N/A.
penitential garment (of mail) worn next to the skin like a hair-shirt.(ante 1387 - ante 1450)
Sex: Male, Female Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: Back, Chest.
mail armour for an animal.(circa 1384)
Sex: N/A Use: Military Ceremonial: No
Body Parts:
in compounds and phrases: cf. the entry for ME habergeoun barel.(circa 1453)
Sex: N/A Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: N/A.
2(adj.) ;
'habergeoned' (particple-as-adjective): equiped with, or wearing, a habergeon.(circa 1384 - ante 1450 ?)
Sex: Male Use: Military Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: Back, Chest.
Definite, Old French hauberjon. The OED notes that the word is derived (treated as a diminuative) from OF hauberc (cf. hauberk; OED, 2nd ed., 1989).
L haubergo, etc. from AF usage.
WF: Derivation
Etym Cog: