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list 1

Searchable Lemmata: liste (OE), liste (ME), liste (AF), lista (L), lysten (Corn), list (OScots), list (MdE).
Alternate Forms: lest, lestes, lice, liest, lisce, listam, listas, listen, listers, listes, listis, listres, lustes, lyste, lystes.

    Definitions and Defining Citations:

NOTE(n.) Other; the term held various meanings in languages across the medieval period, including a stripe, band, hem, border, edge, rim; band of colour; strip on an artefact; row, rank; barrier, fence, jousting list; limit; with figurative uses; etc.
; Primarily N/A.
Sex: N/A    Use: n/a    Status: n/a    Rank: n/a    Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: N/A.
1a(n.) Decoration; border, fringe, hem or edge; a band or stripe.(ante 1300 - ante 1700 ?)
1. Lembum : liste ł þræs. [DOE ClGl 1 (Stryker) (3540 (3565))]
2. Lepibum[lembum] : listan ł þræs [DOE ClGl 1 (Stryker) (3543 (3568))]
4. Jaspers od les ametistes Forment luisent par les listes Biblical/Hagiographic. [AND S Brend (1694) circa 1100/1125]
5. sex casulas optimas, unam sc. brunam de tenui purpura [? l. purfilura] et opere subtili pretiosam ... dedit quatuor cappas, duas viz. principales cum listis Historic. (citations from individual page of text may not appear in original order) [DMLBS SWAFHAM (100) ante 1245]
6. [casulam] cum lista bruslatam(var. broudare) [DMLBS Flor. Hist. (II 44)]
7. mappae cum listis iij Historic. [DMLBS Meaux (III lxxviii) 1150/1406]
8. Do et lego ... Katerinae ... Unam tuellam de twill cum nigris lystez ... duas tuellas cum planis egges ... Unam tuellam latam de amys werke ... Unam tuellam quatuor ulnarum longitudinis minus le nale. Wills. [MED Will York in Sur.Soc.30 (49) 1433]
9. He ... had araid hym ... as man of contemplacioun In a mantell with the lyste, with fals dissimulacioune And a staff in his hond [MED Beryn ((Nthld 55) 2216) circa 1460]
AF, Co, L, ME, MdE, OE, OScots; Primarily N/A.
Sex: N/A    Use: n/a    Status: n/a    Rank: n/a    Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: N/A.
1b(n.) Accessory; selvege; a narrow strip along the edge of a piece of fabric; the edge of a piece of cloth which is differentiated from the body of the cloth; a woven band or thread to mark the end in a piece of cloth. The selvege, cut from the fabric and used for various purposes: as a strip or trimming of cloth; a binding, tie, girdle, bandage, etc.(1225 - 1844 ?)
1. une leise de dras ... ço est deux aunes dedanz listes Legal. [AND Magna Carta (360) 1215]
2. Et una latitudo pannorum tinctorum, & Russettorum & haubergettorum, scilicet, due ulne infra Listas Legal. [MED Statutes Realm (l. 24) 1225]
3. [68] ... fecit unum blanketum et fuit in prima parte bona trama ... et alibi in locis pluribus debilis trama ... [69] ... panno vermilione super quem consuerat unam listam contra Gildam Accounts. [DMLBS Rec. Leic. (I 68-69) 1254]
4. quod omnes panni de partibus transmarinis sint de xxvj ulnis in longitudine et sex quarteriis in latitudine inter listas secundum antiquam assisam Legal. [DMLBS RParl (Ined. 1) 1279]
5. La longure de chescun drape de Raye par une corde de sept aunes quatrefoitz mesure par le list Legal. [MED Statutes Realm (l. 260) 1320]
6. And þerfore children membres and lymes ben j-bounden wiþ listis [L fascijs] & oþire couenable bondes þat þey be nou3t croked [MED *Trev.Barth. ((Add 27944) 69a/b) ante 1398]
7. par un autre estatuit fait en temps de darrein Roi Richard, l'an de son regne .xij., ordine est, qe les draps de ray soient en longure .xxviij. aulnes mesurez par la list, et v quarters de laieure, come en les ditz estatutz est contenuz pluis a plein Legal. [LexP PROME (Hen. IV: Parl. of Oct. 1407, item 50) 1407]
8. [723] ... Qe nul teyntour qi teigne blu burnets ou autres colours, ne teigne bleche ne tané ... [725] ... de la longeure de xxviij alnes mesurez par la list Legal. [AND Lib Alb (723-725) 1419]
9. If the awnour ... kut nat of the lyst of all soche Clothes ... yan the said awnour to paie ... for every pece of Clothe so founde fawty Legal. [MED RParl. (4.452a) 1433]
10. Flogh byen nowyth gynys / Hag ef yn quethow maylys / Ha kylmys fast gans lysten. Biblical/Hagiographic, Drama, Poetic. [LexP Ord Ori Mundi (Norris) (808) ante 1450]
11. Take a brode lyste the lenght of a gyrdyll, and enoynt the one side wt fresshe grese Medical. [MED Med.Bk.(1) ((Med-L 136) 200/642) circa 1450]
AF, Co, L, ME, MdE, OScots; Primarily N/A.
Sex: N/A    Use: n/a    Status: n/a    Rank: n/a    Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: N/A.

    Etymological Evidence:

Definite, Native Old English word, from a common Germanic root. Cf. Middle Dutch lijste, Old High German lista. etc. The OED adds: 'the Teut. word was adopted in Rom. as It. lista, F. liste; the ON. lista is prob. from Fr. or ME.' (OED, 2nd ed., s.v. 'list, n.3'). The Cornish word is adopted from Middle English, possibly with interference from ME listing (q.v.), but Middle Cornish forms such as listers may show influence of Middle English liser (q.v.) (< Anglo-French), a word of overlapping meanings and possibly ultimately from the same root.
Etym Cog: leiste, OHG lísta.