< University of Manchester, Lexis of Cloth & Clothing Project, Search Result For: 'superhumeral'

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, super + humeral.
Searchable Lemmata: superhumerale (L), superhumeral (AN).
Alternate Forms:

    Definitions and Defining Citations:

1a(n.) Garment; vestment for the shoulders; a stole.(ante 700)
1. scuidlien : superhumerale [LexP Corn Vocab (Norris) (790 (419))]
2. superhumerale : sculdorhrægel [DOE ÆGl (0875 (314.12))]
3. In madmhus, XII mæssehacelan & nigon cantercæppa & IIII roccas & VII stolan & XXXIII pella & IX weofodsceatas & XV superumerale gerenode & XXV alba & VII setrægl & XIII wahrægl & III rygcrægl & II scufrægl & V calices & III offringclaþas & VII corporale & II storscylle & III marmarstan gesmiðede & IIII scrinan & XIIII rodan. [DOE Rec 5.4 (Rob 104) (0009 (31))]
4. Ephod, quod interpretatur Latine superindumentum; erat enim pallium superhumerale ex quattuor coloribus et auro contextum, habens in utroque humero lapides duos smaragdinos auro conclusos, in quibus sculpta erant nomina patriarcharum. [DOE ISID. Etym. (19,21,5)]
Sex: Male    Ceremonial: No
Body Parts:
2a(n.) ; ephod; a Jewish priestly vestment, sleeveless, fastened at the shoulders with slits below the armpits.
1. [61vb] ... ephod: Les princes adecertes offrirent perres, onicles et gemmes al superhumeral ... [63vb] ... fist il oevere de kuitil (ME sewed) de jacinte et pourpre ... [64ra] ... un noble oeverour ... et kuitisor (ME sewer) de jacinte et purpre Biblical/Hagiographic. [AND Bible2 (61vb-63vb-64ra) circa 1300/1325]
2. haec autem erunt vestimenta quae facient rationale et superumerale tunica et lineam strictam cidarim et balteum facient vestimenta sancta Aaron fratri tuo et filiis eius ut sacerdotio fungantur mihi [DOE Biblia Sacra (Fischer, et al.) (Ex 28,4)]
3. et stringatur rationale anulis suis cum anulis superumeralis vitta hyacinthina ut maneat iunctura fabrefacta et a se invicem rationale et superumerale nequeant separari [DOE Biblia Sacra (Fischer, et al.) (Ex 28,28)]
4. indues Aaron vestimentis suis id est linea et tuica et superumerali et rationali quod constringes balteo et pones tiaram in capite eius et lamminam sanctam super tiaram [DOE Biblia Sacra (Fischer, et al.) (Ex 29,5)]
5. facient autem superumerale de auro et hycintho ac purpura coccoque bis tincto et bysso retorta opere polymito [DOE Biblia Sacra (Fischer, et al.) (Ex 28,6)]
Ceremonial: No
Body Parts:

    Etymological Evidence:

Definite, Latin super, 'above' + humeral
Etym Cog: superhumeral (AF).