< University of Manchester, Lexis of Cloth & Clothing Project, Search Result For: 'terestre'

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Searchable Lemmata: terestre (ME), theristrum (L), teristrum (L).
Alternate Forms: theristra.

    Definitions and Defining Citations:

1a(n.) Garment; light-weight garment wrapped about the upper body (at times including the head), worn exclusively by women. The term ultimately comes from the Greek through Latin and is often found in Biblical texts. Some of the Anglo-Norman glosses suggest a light garment with pleats [ridé], possibly a [woman's] robe or gown [AND2 - cheinse]. In the Middle English story of Asneth, based in Midrashic tradition, the garment is linen, being wrapped about the head, and decorated, suggesting it is being used by an upper-class woman as a veil. In Classical Latin, the term is used to describe a garment used as protection against the heat, a connotation supported by its Greek cognate, which suggests a material that is wrapped abound the upper body to protect against warm weather.(ante 700 - post 1450)
1. quae depositis viduitatis vestibus adsumpsit theristrum et mutato habitu sedit in bivio itineris [DOE Biblia Sacra (Fischer, et al.) (Gn 38,14) ante 700]
2. et mutatoria et pallia et linteamina et acus et specula et sindones et vittas et theristra [DOE Biblia Sacra (Fischer, et al.) (Is 3,22-23) ante 700]
3. Theristrum palliolum est quo usque hodie Arabiae et Mesopotamiae mulieres velantur, quibus in aestu tutissimo teguntur umbraculo. De quo in Isaia (3,23). [DOE ISID. Etym. (19,25,6)]
4. Teristrum ligatio capitis. [DOE CorpGl 2 (Hessels) (771300 (18.77))]
5. theristro i wæuelse [DOE AldV 7.1 (Nap) (0357 (358))]
6. Quidam homines usurpant sibi officia mulierum, qui vendunt mappas et manutergia, lintheamina, et camisias et braccas, teristra, supara, staminas, et telas, pepla et flammeola.From John of Garland's Dictionarius. [AND TLL (1,199,12-14) circa 1246]
7. usuerpant : mespernunt (L) / mapeas : naps (L) / manutergia : tuales (L) / lintheamina : linchés (L) / teristra : riverochet (D) rochis vel chemis (D) / supara : rochés (C) roket (D) rochis (D) rochet (L) / stamineas : etamin (D) astem (L) / pepla : gymples (C) uimplis (D) / telas : teyles (L) / flammeola : keverechefs (C) corchif (D) keverechisy (L) [AND TLL (2,133,9-13)]
8. Domine habent sepe ibi camisias subtiles, teristra, supara et pepla, gallice winples, ut dixi, et bliotas, penulas et campestria, gallice bifes, quia penula grossa vestis est, gallice pene. [AND TLL (1,215,8-10) circa 1246]
9. manutergia: tualles / braccas: bracce/ teristra : chenses / supara : rochet / staminas : estamin / flammeola : kevrechisyGloss on Dictionarius. [AND TLL (2,150,21) ante 1300]
10. teristra : geinse a dam / stamineas : gallice staminGloss on Dictionarius. [AND TLL (2,146,11)]
11. Aboue here hed was sett a riche coronall ... Here hed was couered with terestre. Biblical/Hagiographic, Poetic, Romance. In this passage, Asneth, the wife of Joseph, appears to be veiled with the wrap. [MED Asneth ((Hnt EL 26.A.13) 129) ante 1475]
12. [441] ... Asneth ... caste on þe white robe with precious parementis ... [444] ... Asneth hasted forth ... & on þe lendis gird on here garnementis, A lynen newe theustre vail with riche ornamentis. Biblical/Hagiographic, Poetic, Romance. [MED Asneth ((Hnt EL 26.A.13) 441-4) ante 1475]
AF, L, ME; Primarily Biblical/Hagiographic; Function.
Sex: Female    Use: Secular    Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: Entire Body.
1b(n.) Garment; holy garment. This interpretation is based on a gloss describing the particular garment worn by Judith of the Old Testament (sense 1a) and probably would not apply to the general garment term. See Goosens, L. (1974), p. 474.(circa 1000)
c.f.: halirift
L; Primarily Biblical/Hagiographic; Uncertain.
Sex: Female    Use: Secular    Status: High    Rank: High    Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: Entire Body.
References: Goosens, L. (1974)
1c(n.) Garment; widow's weeds; error. This interpretation is likely dependant upon a faulty rendering from the story of Judith. See sense 1a.(circa 1000)
1. Theristotedes oþþe wudewan gierela. [DOE ClGl 3 (Quinn) (1338 (1338))]
L; Primarily Gloss; Uncertain.
Use: Secular    Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: Entire Body.

    Etymological Evidence:

Definite, Ultimately from the Greek compound meaning wrap worn against the heat.
Etym Cog: (Gk) θερίστριον.