< University of Manchester, Lexis of Cloth & Clothing Project, Search Result For: 'pall'

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Searchable Lemmata: palla (L), pæl (OE), pal (ME), paile (AF), pali (W) pall (W), paill (OScots), pall (MdE), pal (ME), palle (ME), paulle (ME), pelle (ME), pall (MdE), pæll (OE), paile (AF), pal (W) pal (Co), paly (Co), pyll (W), pallis (L).
Alternate Forms: bali, baly, pæl, pælle, paiele, paille, pali, palie, pallum, pallus, pauke, paul, paule, pauli, paulle, peal, pel, pelle, pellen, pelles.

    Definitions and Defining Citations:

1(n.) Textile; fine, precious cloth or a piece thereof; often described as satin, brocade or similar; by extension, fine clothing of such material. Probably not any specific textile, simply implying a beautiful and valuable one. In later medieval examples, often described as 'pured', with 'pourpure', with 'scarlet', with 'silk', etc. W pali < French palie, a by-form of paile (Mod. French poele).(1143 - circa 1500)
1. de pallis quas ipse de Apulia detulerat quatuor preciosiores sancto Ebrulfo optulit. ex quibus quattuor cappe cantorum in eadem facte sunt ecclesia Historic. [DMLBS ORD. VIT. (V 16 p. 433) ante 1143]
2. All þatt wæde þatt tær wass Uppo þe bære fundenn, All wass itt off þe bettste pall ... & all itt wass wundenn wiþþ gold & sett wiþþ deore staness [MED Orm. ((Jun 1) 8171-8173) circa 1200]
3. A’r petweryd chwech a diodassant vy lludedwisc a dodi gwisc arall ymdanaf, nyt amgen, crys a llawdyr o’r bliant, a ffeis a swrcot a mantell o bali melyn ac orffreis lydan yn y vantell. Arthurian, Romance. [LexP O (Thomson) (3. 69-72) circa 1250]
4. dedit ... beato martiri duas pallas pretiosas, quas baldekinos vocant, et unam nobilem capam Historic. [DMLBS M. PAR. (Maj. V 489) circa 1255]
5. [516] ... Feire he platte his her wiþ a selkene streng ... [517] ... He toc his benetene hat, wiþ pal þat was biweued Biblical/Hagiographic. (dating uncertain) [MED Jacob & J. ((Bod 652) 516-17) ante 1300]
6. paille de Costantinnoble ... walebroun de Maence Legal. [AND Lib Cust (61) circa 1300/1350]
7. Crysseu o sidan gwynn a oed am y uorwyn. a chayeu o rudeur rac y bronn. a swrcot o pali eureit ymdanei. ac yscin kyfryw a hi. a thaccet o rudeur yn y chynhal ymdanei. A ractal o rudeur am y phenn. a rudem a gem yn y ractal a mein mererit pob eilwers. ac amherodron vein. A gwregis o rudeur ymdanei. Romance. [GPC WM (91. 181. 31-40) circa 1350]
8. He comaundede ... Þat maiden for to fette, In cloþ of riche purpel palle, And on hire hed a comeli calle. [MED KTars ((Vrn) 359) circa 1390]
9. I xal qwyte ryght wel 3our mede with gold and tresour and rych wede, with furrys rych and wurth pelle Biblical/Hagiographic, Drama, Poetic. (dating uncertain) [MED Ludus C. ((Vsp D.8) 158/198) ante 1475]
10. Hayl, arluth bold,/ del os sauns per!/ Clothys of gold / ha velvet ker / eu the aray, / damask, boytkyn / inweth cendal, / bys ha satynn,/ ye, porpor pal/ ha pannow gay. Arthurian, Biblical/Hagiographic, Poetic. [LexP BewnKe (Thomas & Williams) (1720-1729) 1450/1500]
11. hethough cercot a baly, thotho me a vyn y ry [LexP Passio XPI (Norris) (1784)]
L, ME, MdE; Primarily Arthurian.
Sex: N/A    Use: n/a    Status: High    Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: N/A.
1a(n.) Garment; garment, cloak, tunic, mantle (L pallium); often described as of rich material (such as silk, cendal, velvet, etc. - see following senses).(circa 700 - ante 1200)
1. Palla est quadrum pallium muliebris vestis, deductum usque ad vestigia, quod ad fixis in ordinem gemmis. Et palla dicta APOTOU PALLEIN, id est a mobilitate, quae est circa finem huiusmodi indumenti; sive quod rugis vibrantibus sinuata crispetur. [DOE ISID. Etym. (19,25,2)]
3. Regillum et peplum et palla et amicumlum riccræ wife ł deorwurðe wæfels.(as worn by a rich woman) [DOE AntGl 4 (Kindschi) (080300 (803))]
4. Palla : cyrtel ł oferbrædels. [DOE AntGl 2 (Kindschi) (0113 (113))]
5. palla : rift . penitus : longae. [DOE ErfGl 1 (Pheifer) (0772 (801))]
6. gladius swurd, gladiatus geswurdod; asta sceaft oððe spere, astatus gesperod; purpura purpur, [purpuratus] mid purpuran gescryd; pallium pæl, palliatus mid pælle gescryd; tonica tunece, tonicatus mid tunecan gescryd; arma wæpnu, armatus gewæpnod. [DOE ÆGram (1758 (257.1))]
7. Þæt is þonne an Cristesboc mid sylure berenod & III rode eac mid sylure berenode, II sylurene candelsticcan & II ouergylde & I sylurene storcille & I æren & I sylurene waterfet & II sylurene bellen & IIII silurene calices, IIII patenan & syluren pipe & VI massehacelan & IIII cæppan & I roc & VIII stolan, emfela handlina & XI subumbrale & II pistolclaþas & III corporale & III offrincsceatas & XVIIII albæn & IIII pælles & II linenweb to albæn & II blace ręgl cęsternisce & VI uuahryft & VIIII setreil & X hangiende bellan VII handbellan & IIII bedreaf & VI hornas IIII gerenode & VIII sylfrene cuppan & II gegylde weofodsceatas. Legal, Other, Wills. [perhaps belongs to one of the following senses? - MCC] [DOE Ch 1448 (Rob 39) (0002 (3)) 963]
8. palla, pallium, mantile Gloss. (mantle) [DMLBS OSB. GLOUC. (Deriv. 475) circa 1150/1175]
9. pallam villosam quam sclavinam nominant velox abjecit Other. [DMLBS MAP NC (V 6 f. 70) ante 1210]
Sex: Male, Female    Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: Entire Body.
2(n.) Garment; specifically, an ecclesiastical garment: the pallium which was the insignia of an archbishop.(802 - circa 1380)
1. misi dilectioni vestrae [sc. archiepiscopo Cantuariensi] ... unam pallam et unum vestitum Other. [DMLBS ALCUIN (Ep. 255) 802]
2. per quem palla sibi [Menevie] reddetur dempta per annos Arthurian. [DMLBS V. Merl. (623) circa 1150]
3. Sampson þe archebisshop took wiþ hym þe palle Historic. [MED Trev.Higd. ((StJ-C H.1) 2.113) ante 1387]
4. Þat 3ere þe pope Honorius sente þe pal [L pallium] to Honorius archebisshop of Caunterbury Historic. [MED Trev.Higd. ((StJ-C H.1) 5.451) ante 1387]
AF, L, ME, MdE.
Sex: Male    Use: Ecclesiastical    Ceremonial: Yes
Body Parts: Entire Body.
2b(n.) Garment; chasuble.(circa 1300)
1. [90] ... stringes: visers ... pannucie: clutez vel filieres, clotes, reclutes, recloytes ... [91] ... planetam: pleyn pal Gloss. [AND Utensilibus (90-91) ante 1300]
Use: Ecclesiastical    Ceremonial: Yes
Body Parts:
3(n.) Garment; rich canopy or covering (material - cf. senses above); specifically, a covering for ecclesiastical objects; a frontal or corporal; a cloth for wrapping a relic; a cloth for covering a crozier; a cloth to cover Eucharistic vessels. Also, a shroud. Also used figuratively.(circa 950 still in current use)
1. Si quis forte de nobilibus offert filium suum deo in monasterio si ipse puer minori aetate est parentes eius faciant petitionem quam supra diximus et cum oblatione ipsam petitionem et manum pueri involvant in palla altaris et sic eum offerant : gif hwa of æðelborenum offrað ł dat his earn gode on minster gif he þæt sylfe cild on iunre ylde is his magas don gewritt swa swa we bufan mid ofrunge þæt gewrit hand cildes & he befealde on weofodsceatan & hi geofrian. [DOE BenRGl (0527 (59.99.6))]
2. involvant ... parentes manus pueri in palla qua altare coopertum est et cujus pars anterius pendet Ecclesiastic/Regula. (used on altar) [DMLBS LANFR. (Const. 172) ante 1089]
3. rediit ... cum palle [v. l. palla] qua erant involuti cineres beati non modica portione Biblical/Hagiographic, Historic. (for wrapping relic) [DMLBS AD. EYNS. (Hug. V 14 p. 168) 1196/1232]
4. Me beddede hem so softe as me mi3te & palles vpe hem caste. Biblical/Hagiographic. [MED SLeg. ((Hrl 2277) 575/125) circa 1300]
5. togellas sive pallas illius altaris, tersoria, calicem, corporalia, et offertoria ... in sua specialiter habebit custodia Ecclesiastic/Regula. (used on altar) [DMLBS Cust. Cant. (110) circa 1330/1340]
6. [lxxix] ... item, veronica una coloris aerei auro inclusa, que dicitur pectorale ... [lxxx] ... baculus pastoralis argenteus ... item baculus ligneus depictus ... cum tribus pallis ad eosdem Historic. (for covering crozier) [DMLBS Meaux (III lxxix-lxxx) circa 1396]
c.f.: corporal
Sex: Female    Ceremonial: No
Body Parts:

    Etymological Evidence:

Definite, OE pæl, OF paile and Latin pallium.
Etym Cog: